Page 89 of Rise
“Kind of hard to do that with what was written on the card,” I told her.
She was silent for a beat and knowing her like I do, she wouldn’t hesitate to ask, “Tell me already. Damn you.”
Chuckling, I read the card to her.
“Happy Anniversary? That doesn’t sound right.” And she would be correct if she didn’t know our full story.
“It does if you think about today’s date and the first time, we met each other.” I said, unable to keep the smile from my face.
“Damn. The man is good. Yeah, I get it. It would be hard to do that too. You didn’t say a word about the date, did you?”
I shook my head even though she couldn’t see me, “Nope. I sure as heck didn’t.”
That night after I watched my show and ate a dinner of pot roast, mashed potatoes, and green beans, I crawled into bed, using his pillow, and then checked the time.
Then a blinding smile lit up on my face, my phone rang. Right on time.
Smiling, I answered the phone, “Hey, honey.”
“Hey, baby. I fucking miss you. Not sure how much longer I can do this.” I could hear the tension in his tone.
That made my brow wrinkled, “What do you mean?”
He sighed, “The guy is good. Don’t get me wrong. But he needs a lot more training. It’s almost as if he was asleep during his training. He doesn’t know a damn thing.”
“I’m sorry, honey. Tell whomever you need and then get your ass back home.” I told him because I dang sure missed him too.
“I’m working on it. I got an appointment with my evidence for tomorrow.” He said with a tired voice, and I knew he was close to knocking out.
But first, I had to know, “So, why the wording on the card?”
“Did you understand it?” He asked with a smile in his voice.
“Yes. But I still want to know.” I smiled right back, and with what he said next… I knew I couldn’t hold on to my animosity.
“Because that was the day my life actually started.”
Freaking heck but I missed him. I couldn’t stay mad at him. I just couldn’t.
Even more so proven that I couldn’t stay mad at him, he asked me the question we had started asking each other ever since that fateful day, “What are three things you're thankful for?”
Smiling, I answered him, “You. My family. And red velvet cake pops.”
He chuckled, “So do I need to have a bunch sent to you?”
“That would be swell,” I said.
Then I asked him, “What are three things you are thankful for?”