Page 100 of Perfectly Imperfect
“Want to talk about it?” Marcus asked.
“Did I enter the world a few minutes before you? Or after you? Seeing as we’re twins?”
He smirked, “I entered the world before you so I could grow up to be big and strong and protect you.”
I smiled and nodded then leaned my head against his arm, then I dropped my voice, “Crew asked me if it was okay to use the money he collects and buy Daemon a Father’s Day gift.”
“Holy. Fuck.”
I nodded and smiled wide, “Yeah. My sentiments exactly.”
“He’s something else. You gonna be okay when he starts dating?”
I looked up at him with horror, “You go wash your mouth out with soap Marcus DuPointe. My baby isn’t dating anyone. None of them will ever be good enough for my boy.”
All Marcus did? That was to chuckle.
He looked down at me, and then we both headed back into the house, and I laughed when Marcus pulled a twenty from his wallet and put it into the jar, then he looked at Crew and winked, “That should cover me for the week.”
Then Marcus looked at me, and I knew why he had done that. He wanted Crew to be able to get Daemon whatever he wanted for Father’s Day.
And just like that, the boys followed suit, and each dropped a twenty into the jar.
Crew came running to me, and then lowered his voice into my ear after I dropped to my knees to answer him, “That should be plenty. Don’t you think?”
I nodded, “Yes, baby.”
He smiled wide and then ran back to Lily, who was showing him the recent paintings she had created for her art show.
“Okay, what was all that about today?” Daemon asked.
I had promised him that I wouldn’t ever lie to him when we got together, and I wasn’t about to start now. However, no way was I going to ruin this surprise.
I shrugged my shoulders as I took the t-shirt from his hand he had just taken off and slipped it over my shoulders, “To ensure that I don’t lie to you, can you please promise me not to ask anything more about it? It’s a surprise.”
“Okay, what the fuck was all that about yesterday?” I asked Marcus.
“What do you mean?” Marcus asked with a raise of his brow as he tightened his cleats.
“You went outside to talk to Aliyah after Crew ran inside,” I said slowly to remind him.
He stood then, and then said, “Oh yeah. That’s uncle and big brother information. Sorry. Can’t break that bond.”
Then with that, the big bastard walked out of the fieldhouse and out to the field.
I growled as I followed them.
It wasn’t until the morning of Father’s Day that I finally found out why it all had gone down.
Crew smiled as he came into the bathroom while I was shaving, “Good Morning.”
“What’s all this?” I asked him.
That was when he smiled, “Remember when the guys all dropped the twenties into the swear jar?”
I nodded.