Page 5 of Perfectly Imperfect
And then I slipped into a blissful silence.
Prologue II
It took me two weeks while lying in the hospital bed to get the courage and hope like fuck this wouldn’t be another instance of someone just speaking words to me.
Because Williams's words stayed on repeat in my mind, I had heard it before I had slept the first time after I had woken up, “If there’s anything I can do for you. You let me know, okay?”
I didn’t know it at the time, but the little girl I had thrown my beaten body over was actually the daughter of someone extremely prominent in our town.
And true to Melanie’s word, every time I woke up, one of them was there.
I had three pictures that Lily had drawn me taped up to the wall.
It took another week before they released me, and a social worker was there, along with Melanie. Who apparently didn’t like this one bit, but her hands were tied with something that would take time. Her words.
I didn’t know what that was, but I didn’t question it. I already had too many things occupying my mind.
As long as no one touched me. As long as I had a soft place to sleep. As long as I had food. I would be okay. One way or another.
But, after a week of being in a group home, I debated about what to do.
There was only one thing I wanted.
To be able to protect myself.
Hopefully, he would know someone that could help me.
Thankfully, since today was our free day that we got once a week, I made the trek to a white brick building that sat on the main street in town.
So, there I stood, my arm still in the white cast, looking up at the doors to the police station.
I took in a breath and opened the door.
“Can I help you, young man?” The lady behind the counter asked me, and really, this ain’t no lie, she could pass for Ethel on I Love Lucy.
Yeah, I get it.
Why the fuck would a nine-year-old boy even know who that is?
Because my sorry excuse of a mother loved the show.
Enough said.
I nodded, “Yes, I’m here to see the Chief. He told me to come by if I ever needed to talk to him.”
I had found out he was the Chief of Police the second time I had woken up.
She nodded at me, “What’s your name, young man?”
“Daemon,” was all I said. I figured that was all William would need.
She raised a graying brow and then asked, “You got a last name?”
I shook my head, “That name isn’t important. And I’d rather not be associated with the woman that gave it to me.”
I saw something in her eyes, and then, yeah, there it came… pity.