Page 1 of Dark Elf's Good Girl
“Get out here!”
The club is full tonight.
Good. I need the money.
I’m standing in the changing rooms just to the right of the backstage, which is the catch-all term we use to describe the chaos that takes place away from the main stage.
Allie, my best friend and fellow dancer, is helping me with my make-up before we both take the stage.
“I hate nights like these.” Allie sighs, and I know exactly what she means.
It is raining tonight, but it is hot inside the club. The air feels sticky and uncomfortable.
Things are always worse in the club when it rains.
The dark elves who come in on nights like these seek warmth with the girls that they buy for the night. More alcohol is consumed, and fights break out. More fights than usual.
The club that Allie and I dance at is pretty upmarket compared to the other clubs in the Red District, and not just anyone can get in, but even the wealthiest of dark elves can be assholes.
Allie and I know this fact quite well.
“I think I’ll just add some more color to your lips, and some kohl to your eyes,” Allie says as she finishes up my face.
I have always been terrible at doing my make-up and when I am not working, I prefer to go barefaced.
But in the club, under the spotlights, make-up is a requirement.
“Not that you need it,” Allie mutters and I roll my eyes. But a smile stretches across my face anyway.
“You don’t need make-up either.” I insist as I eye her perfect tawny brown skin and high hazel eyes.
“Yeah, you say that now. But under those godsdamn spotlights, anyone can look washed out.”
She finally lets go of my face, which she was clutching for the duration that she did my make-up and takes a step back.
“What costume are you wearing tonight?” She asks me as she goes over to the mirror and touches up the kohl around her eyes.
Allie has already been on stage three once. She’ll go on again in a few minutes, while I take stage one.
“I think,” I go over to the costume rack and rifle through the costumes on the end. “I think I’ll go with the pearl and silver one.” I murmur this more to myself than Allie.
She answers anyway, even though she knows that I’m more intent on examining the outfit for flaws than I am on the conversation.
“You’ll look amazing! I’m doing this one.” I turn to look and my jaw drops.
Allie looks amazing.
“You look like a Goddess.” I breathe the words. She is wearing a dark, midnight blue dress that has silver thread running through it.
It has ties in front which, when she pulls it off halfway through her dance, will reveal a midnight blue, lace corset and panties.
Her skin is radiant beneath the dark, rich, velvety blue, and her curly dark hair coils away from her face like a crown.
“Thank you!” She squeals happily. “I worked really hard on this.”