Page 30 of Devil You Know
Chapter Thirteen
Every single nerve ending in my body was alight as I continued to rock my hips against Reid’s solid cock, still not satisfied, even after the most intense orgasmic experience of my life.
I swallowed down the taste of blood from his lips, wanting more. When has blood ever tasted so sweet?
We’ve been in this elevator for just a few short minutes, and in that span of time, I’m so lost to this man he would probably be taking me against the mirror if it weren’t for these damn pants.
For the record, I’m never wearing pants again.
“Look at me, Holly. Look me in the eyes and listen to my words.” I gasped for air as he broke away from my lips, taking my source of oxygen with him.
I stared into his blue eyes, noticing for the first time tonight that he wasn’t wearing his glasses. His eyes were sharp and held an intensity to them that mirrored our interactions as he looked into my eyes, searching. It felt as though he could see into the depths of my soul.
Maybe he felt it too and was also trying to understand the need that coursed through his body every time we touched, every time we shared the same air. Something about this man was consuming me, and yet I wasn’t scared, not in the way that I was scared in my relationship with Chet. No, there was something very different about this.
“I know your story - your past and your present. To some extent, I might even say that I can see your future. What I can’t put my finger on is why the story that I see in front of me doesn’t play out the way it should. Your puzzle pieces don’t fit together, and it’s infuriating me. I want to strip you down. I want to learn your secrets. What happens between you and I is dependent on what I find out when I finally put your pieces back together. Only then, we might both shatter.” I remained silent as he slid his hand around to my face and brushed his thumb over my swollen, abused lips as he spoke.
“You’re pushing me, and testing me, and fuck if that isn’t sexy as hell woman. I use and discard women, and yet, they continue to come to me willingly, begging for whatever I have to give, which is never more than one night – never more than one time. But you, you’ve bewitched me, and I’m going to take my time exploring your wicked ways. You can fight me on this, that’s part of the fun, right? But, if you so much as think for one second that you get to play here and then go out there and play some more, you are sadly mistaken. Stay away from that man, Holly. You’re mine, and I will say it again – I always get what I want.” With that he released me and slammed his hand over the switch on the elevator, allowing the doors to open.
Without another word, I watched his retreating back as he strode from the elevator and exited through a door on the right. All the while I stood there and tried to see through the haze that still surrounded me. My orgasm-rattled brain struggled to process what just happened and tried to understand the words that he said, unable to make sense of it all.
I stared at my reflection in the mirror and was barely able to reconcile this woman with the woman that I was when I walked into this restaurant tonight. My mascara was smudged at the corners and my lipstick was non-existent. My long silk strands of blonde hair were no longer without frizz or tangles. I look like a bear attacked me while I was in the restroom, actually that’s not that far off from the truth, albeit not a believable alibi.
How long have I been gone? Ten minutes?
I’ll be lucky if Duke’s still sitting there at all when I get back.
Regaining some of my composure, I took a deep breath and attempted to pull myself back together.
Retying the ribbon on my slacks and straightening myself as best as I could given the circumstances, I turned and walked the opposite direction, down the hallway and back into the restaurant.
Back to an evening of false hope and gentle letdowns.
I was looking for a distraction tonight. Suffice to say, my distraction came quickly and without pretense in the confines of a small, private elevator in the back of a five-star restaurant. Unfortunately, it looks like the only way to get Reid Chapman out of my system is to play his game. I might not have gotten much from my egocentric, self-absorbed father, but it’s safe to say I got his sheer determination and unwillingness to lose at anything.
I refuse to back down from a challenge, and who would have thought, Reid Chapman - a boring as hell insurance adjuster, just might be my biggest challenge yet. I will play his game, but we’re using my rulebook.
“Senior Special Agent Reid Chapman, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Director Alan Reynolds appeared in front of me on the screen of my desktop computer as I sat at my desk in my office at the Chapman Group.
“Cut the crap, Director. Why was Bennett on my case last night?” The more I thought about that slimy asshole’s arrogant smirk as he sat across from Holly at dinner last night, the more my blood boiled. It took every ounce of control left in me not to hoist her over my shoulder and haul her ass out the back door with me when I walked out. But I’m already walking a thin line as it is, and a kidnapping charge wouldn’t earn me any gold stars back at headquarters.
Director Reynolds steepled his hands under his chin as he tapped his fingers together in front of his face, contemplating how much he should tell me, I’m sure. I’m very aware that there are times in a case where information is withheld for the overall safety of the mission, but I don’t really give two fucks what that reason is at this very moment. Bennett shouldn’t be anywhere near my case without my pre-approval or at least a damn notification.
“Remember who you’re talking to, Chapman. The better question is, what were you doing at that restaurant last night? Bennett saw you; he also watched Holly Adkins follow you into a hallway.” I can’t say I didn’t see that one coming. Reynolds neglected to answer my question and instead turned the interrogation on me. I shouldn’t be surprised, this is the way we operate, it’s who we are. We find the truth in a sea of lies.
“This is my case, and Adkins is the daughter of one of my suspects. As the senior agent on this case, I have every right to perform my investigation as I see fit. I was given intel that she was having dinner at the restaurant, and that intel was enough for me to want to check in, make sure everything was above board. I understand that we’ve cleared her, but I can’t help that my gut instinct has me keeping an eye on her just to be sure we haven’t missed anything.” I played with an ink pen that sat on my desk with my right hand, twirling it between my fingers and hoping like hell the director couldn’t see through the holes in my explanation. While it’s not entirely false, I will be the first to admit I’m stretching.
“And you’re sure that you’re listening to your gut and no other appendage of your body? I’ve seen some of the footage of your interactions with Ms. Adkins, Chapman. While I know you are an exceptional undercover agent, I can’t help but wonder how much of those interactions are for this case and how much of them are for your personal benefit?” He pressed on as he questioned my motives, and that only served to piss me off further. This is my case, dammit. Who is he to tell me what is appropriate?
“All due respect, Director Reynolds…” I drew out the pronunciation of his name to drive home my point, as I spoke. “Our mission here is to take down one of the largest human trafficking rings in the country. I’ve already thrown my own father to the wolves for this case. We’re sitting on enough to lock him up for years, and you want to question me about my interactions with the daughter of a known mafia boss. I think you’re overstepping.” I stared into his eyes through the virtual portal on my computer and dared him to keep pushing, trying to convey the weight of my words even though we weren’t physically in the same room. He may not be willing to tell me why Bennett checked into my case last night, but he sure as hell would understand that superior or not, I’ve earned my place on this case and within this organization, and I will not tolerate being disrespected.
His lips curled up into a satisfied smile as he leaned back into his desk chair and crossed his arms over his chest, kicking his chin up confidently. “I’m glad you feel that way, Chapman. We’re pressing forward and making a move on your assignment. Have you or have you not been able to commandeer the Anderson House account through your current position with the Chapman Group?” His question a complete one-eighty from where we began this conversation.
“I’m still working with my father on some of the details due to his relationship with Wilks, but the claim itself has been assigned to me.” I straightened in my chair as I waited to hear what possible move the higher ups could be making on my case.
“Perfect. Let me ask you a question, Chapman. Are you afraid of ghosts?”