Page 8 of Devil You Know
Hubert Robert Anderson II, second generation plantation owner. Raped and murdered countless women and young girls in the three-story-mansion as he forced his wife to watch on. Until one day she broke, unable to live with the horror of all she had witnessed any longer. The staff at the time saw her leave his room with a bloody knife in the early hours one morning before the sun rose, sheltering a young girl under her arm. Old man Anderson was found tied to their grand four poster master bed - naked, covered in blood, with his genitals shoved in his mouth. His eyes were taped open. Rumor has it that his wife wanted to watch him bleed to death, wanted to watch the evil from his soul cross over into the depths of Hell.
According to the legend that surrounds the mansion, the young girl was brought to safety just before Mrs. Anderson was found with the same knife in the clawfoot tub of the master bath, just down the hall from her husband. Both wrists slit as bright red water flooded the floors.
The house is said to be haunted by her ghost and the ghosts of all the women and children that died before her. After their deaths, the house was abandoned and has remained untouched up until a few months ago when it mysteriously caught fire in the middle of the night.
According to the news reports, the arson investigation surrounding it found no cause, but they did locate secret tunnels beneath the house that ran under the property and out to the train tracks. Those train tracks lead directly to the harbor. The newspaper article insinuated it might have been used at one time as part of the underground railroad, but there was no solid proof to back up that theory.
According to the article, the shell of the house remained, but the inside – which had remained untouched for nearly a century – had gone up in flames.
“Mr. Wilks understands that you have a specific skill set. Historical restoration. The property does have some damage from the fire, but there was an insurance policy already in place at the time of the incident. The damages and restoration effort will be fully covered by the policy. He would like for someone with your level of expertise in this type of restoration to handle the renovations.” I’m intrigued, I’ve worked on numerous historical properties over my career, but never have I worked on something with such a vibrant past.
“Who is the point of contact for Mr. Wilks?” I’m curious enough to want to take the project on but I’m not sure I’m willing to work with Mr. Wilks, the man makes my skin crawl.
“You will have free reign on the project Ms. Adkins. Mr. Wilks specifically requested your undivided attention on the matter. Let me reiterate, budget is not an issue.”
Free reign.
No budget.
Haunted, historical property.
“I need four weeks. I just got started on a project in downtown Carlton, but it’s a simple renovation of a historical bank, I shouldn’t need longer than that. When this project is complete, I can personally handle the Anderson House renovations. I will have my assistant call back and iron out the specifics. I look forward to working with you, Laurel.” I immediately clicked my computer to life and began researching any and every piece of history I could find on the old plantation house.
“Please, call me Ms. Chesire. Holly, there is one other stipulation. Mr. Wilks has asked that you stay on the property for the duration of the renovations. There is a guest house that also has historical significance that was not damaged in the fire, it should be sufficient for your stay. Should you need anything, I will leave you with my direct contact information. Should you need to speak to Mr. Wilks, please contact me, and I will arrange a meeting.” I paused. Um, what? She wants me to stay on the property? Like some modern-day ghost hunter.
“And this stipulation, how firm are we talking here? I can easily commute to Anderson House from my apartment, and I can assure you this project will have my undivided attention.”
“Take it or leave it Ms. Adkins, it’s non-negotiable. We will see you four weeks from today.”
Dial tone.
I wonder...
Can you buy ghost hunting supplies on Amazon?
Also, might need some holy water? Garlic?