Page 16 of Sins of a Rebel
“I’m not trying to pressure things or rush it, ya know? At the same time, it’s hard not to when this is what I’ve wanted for so long.”
Ivy nods. “You don’t think he’s sleeping with anyone else, do you?”
The question settles like a ball of cotton lodged in my throat. I’ve tried not to think about it, but it’s crossed my mind over the past few days.
I’ve thought about showing up at his place to surprise him, but I’ve also feared what I may walk into if I do.
“I don’t know, honestly. I don’t think so.”
“Have you had sex yet?” Ivy asks as we step off the curb away from the line of people.
I screw the cap back on, focusing my eyes on Madden and Tysin as they cross the street on their way to Tysin’s Cutlass.
When he circles the car and opens the door, he glances back over at us, and a slow smile spreads across his face when he finds me staring at him.
“Don’t bother answering my question. The sexual tension between you two is so thick, it makes my pussy flutter. Jesus!”
I bark out a laugh, sending me into a coughing fit.
She takes another bite and shrugs, a smug smile displayed proudly on her face.
“Listen, I don’t know why you two torture yourselves, but clearly, you’re into each other. So what if Madden has a problem with it? He’ll get over it eventually. He’s your brother, for fuck’s sake.”
“That’s how I feel, but Tysin wants things on the down low, and I don’t know why. I’m almost afraid to ask him what’s holding him back.”
“You can’t keep pushing it off, though, either. You’ll drive yourself crazy.”
I nod. I don’t even think I’d be so bothered by keeping our relationship private for a while if it meant we kept in touch on the days when I couldn’t see him.
It’s the silence between that’s getting to me. As the days tick by, the more doubt and dread seep into my mind, and it’s a slow, torturous game.
I don’t know how much longer I can take it.
“Well, it will have to come out eventually,” Ivy says. “You know what they say. What happens in the dark always comes to light.”
Chapter Six
The next day, it’s after seven when I wrap up my shift at Breaking Waves. Garrett is closing the shop, so I’m alone when I step out the door and find Tysin leaning against the tailgate of his pickup.
My heart rate spikes at the sight of him dressed in a pair of black Dickies and a white shirt with his backward baseball cap on.
His smile spreads across his face, highlighting the dimple on his cheek.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
“I thought I’d try to catch you before you went home. Got plans tonight?”
It’s a Sunday night, and there’s not much to do but go home and hang out. I’m due back at Breaking Waves at ten tomorrow.
“Not a thing.” I grin. “I guess I’m all yours.”
His brows shoot up, and he reaches his hand out for mine, pulling me into his arms. He circles them around my waist. He stands almost a foot taller than me, leaning down to press a kiss against my mouth.
It’s soft at first, and I melt into him, my fingers gripping the front of his shirt as if it’ll save me when my legs give out beneath me.
He releases a heavy sigh when he leans back, moving to fold his hands against my cheek, deepening the kiss. This time when he kisses me, it’s commanding and all-consuming, nearly stealing the breath right out of me.