Page 6 of Sins of a Rebel
She reaches for the button on her shorts, sashaying her hips until they drop around her ankles. My eyes drink in the sight of her smooth sun-kissed skin covering her hips up to the ink marking her arms. She’s wearing an aqua-blue swimsuit with white ruffles over the edge of her top.
She breaks out into nervous laughter before taking off toward the water.
I’m left standing there, mesmerized by the sound. The waves smack into her legs, sending her falling over before she dives in.
“You coming?” she hollers, running her hand through her wet hair before wiping her face.
I pull my shirt over my head and toss it to the ground. I lift my eyes, and our gaze connects. She fights off a grin as I push my pants down my legs, leaving me in my black boxer briefs.
She watches intently, a shade of pink highlighting her cheeks.
The cool water is a much-needed reprieve from the scorching temperatures we’ve been dealing with lately. When I reach the water, I dive in, heading straight toward Kyla.
She yelps when my hands circle her waist, pulling her into my arms. She slips her arms around my neck, her legs following suit around my hips.
I snap my mouth shut when she grinds her pussy against my dick.
“Jesus Christ, Kyla,” I mumble. My fingers grip her ass, desperate to hold her still.
She smirks, loving the way she’s driving me crazy. If she were anyone else, I’d be untying those bottoms and fucking her right here on the beach, not caring who’s around to watch.
“Tell me something about you, Tysin.”
She locks her fingers around my neck and tilts her head back, letting her hair dip into the water before meeting my eyes once more.
“Like what?” I croak.
“I feel like I know the version of Tysin the rest of the world gets to see. Tell me something no one knows about you.”
She’s digging in deeper, wanting to get a glimpse inside the person I am under the surface. I don’t know how I feel about it.
I shrug. “Not much to tell, honestly.”
She narrows her eyes, shaking her head. “I don’t believe you. We all have parts of ourselves we don’t share with others, at least not with strangers. Sometimes you seem like a stranger to me. I want to know the real Tysin.”
I chuckle, sifting through my mind to find something to share with her.
“Am I making you nervous?” she asks.
“Not for reasons you might think.” I drop my gaze between us.
She pulls herself closer to me, her chest pressing against mine.
“You make me nervous too,” she admits.
Her lips are red from the water’s cooler temperatures, with water droplets over her face and chest.
“I can sing.”
Her eyes widen in awe. “Wait, really?”
I nod. “It’s not something I like to do publicly, but I can.”
“How come you don’t sing with the guys?”
“Brix likes to be the center of attention. It’s not my thing. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy singing and think I’m pretty good at it, but I don’t mind Brix being the only one who fills that role.”
She shakes her head in amazement. “I never would’ve guessed. Do the guys know?”