Page 18 of Madden
Sold-out tours, packed crowds, multiplatinum records. None of it matters if we lose who we are in the process.
It’s why we’ve insisted on staying in North Carolina and living in CB. This is who we are, where we’re from, and it’ll never change.
Between songs, Brielle disappears from the spot where she’s been sitting next to Ivy, and I notice her off to the side snapping photos.
After we wrap up, I take the stairs near her. She’s leaning against the wall, waiting.
“You guys are… incredible,” Brielle says when I approach her.
Tysin and Brix trail me, and I hear one of them grunt. I assume it’s Tysin, based on our earlier conversation.
“I’m glad you’re having a good time,” I say.
I lift my shirt to wipe the sweat dripping from my brow. I don’t miss the way her eyes snap from my stomach to meet mine, or how her throat bobs when she swallows hard at the sight of my chest.
“You up for another drink?” I ask with a nod toward the bar.
I could use a beer, and she still seems tense and nervous around me. I’m hoping if she gets another drink in her, maybe she’ll loosen up and get rid of this uptight, professional act she’s putting on.
“Actually, I’m thinking about taking off for the night.”
“Oh.” I try to cover up my disappointment. “All right, well, give me a second, and I’ll walk you out.”
She nods, and I jog into the back room to toss my sticks on the table and grab a beer. I untwist the top and quickly down half of it, right as Brix and Tysin step in from outside.
“What the fuck is goin’ on with you and that reporter chick?” Brix grunts, and I grit my teeth.
“Not right now.”
Tysin shakes his head and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Tysin told me you’re tryin’ to butter her ass up so she won’t write anything bad about us, but we both know she’ll do it regardless. Pick someone else to hook up with, for fuck’s sake. You’re only going to make shit worse.”
I quickly glance down the hallway to where Brielle stands, and her eyes meet mine. I’m worried she may have overheard him.
“I’ll talk to you later,” I say, taking another drink and stalking into the bar toward her, only now she’s nowhere to be found.
I push through the crowd, spotting her platinum blond hair weaving through people up toward the front. Jayde, the bartender, waves her hand, asking if I want another, and I raise a finger to let her know I’ll be back.
Brielle’s hot on her heels, trying like hell to get out of here, and I know without asking that she heard Brix talkin’ shit.
I want to kick them both in the ass because this is the last thing we need right now.
“Hey, Brielle, wait up,” I holler.
Her footsteps slow, but she doesn’t stop or bother turning around.
I jog ahead to catch up to her, and she spins around when she reaches the black SUV I saw her driving earlier today.
She holds up her hand. “I’ll be good from here, but thank you for making sure I made it to my car safely.”
I stop, caught off guard by the change in her demeanor. She’s back to the feisty woman I ran into after I found her listening in on me with Hanna.
“Is everything okay?” I ask.
She presses her lips together, avoiding looking at me, appearing to consider her next words before she nods.
“Everything’s fine. I’m tired, and I have an early flight tomorrow. Thanks again for inviting me. I think I’ve got some good shots, so we should be set for the article.”
She pats her camera bag and reaches into her pocket to pull out her keys.
“It was great to meet you, Madden. Have a nice evening.”
I grit my teeth, hating how quickly she’s back to giving me the cold shoulder.
“Wait, don’t go,” I breathe out, stepping in close to her. She turns, and I press her against the side of the car.
“I don’t want you to go yet,” I admit, making the first move. “Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but I don’t think you want to leave either.”