Page 15 of Where You Belong
“Excuse me.” He takes the step toward me, shoving me against his car.
I never had any proof he was cheating on me, but if I did, it would be game over for him. He knows what this would mean for our divorce. Honestly, I don’t want anything from him but out of our marriage. Not the house, not his money.
I want custody of Huxton and to be free of his torment.
He reaches for my forearm, using his body to hide the force of his grip as he dips his head near my ear.
“I don’t know who you think you are, Haelynn, but I think you need to remember who the fuck you’re speaking to.”
His breath feathers across my skin, and I curl my lip in disgust.
“Let go of me, Atlas.” I attempt to jerk my arm out of his hold, but his grip only tightens, causing me to groan in pain. Tears prick my eyes as I stare up at the hateful man standing in front of me.
“Please, Atlas, you’re hurting me.” I blink past the tears threatening to spill over, not wanting to let him see an ounce of weakness.
“I suggest you listen to her, or I’ll have to step in and see that you do.”
Atlas releases my arm, turning to peer over his shoulder.
“Are you okay?” Corbin asks, glancing over to where I’m clutching my arm against my body. My chest heaves, struggling to take a deep breath.
“Yes.” I force a smile. “Thank you.”
He nods. His face reddens, and his nostrils flare. This side of him is so different from the outgoing and lighthearted Corbin I’ve gotten to know.
“I think you should go,” I say.
Atlas slips his hands in his pockets, widening his stance, trying to intimidate Corbin. Corbin shakes his head, crossing his arms in front of him. A grin curves his mouth, as if he’s waiting for Atlas to test him.
“Did you hear that, buddy? She said you should go. This isn’t any of your business. You can be on your way now.” Atlas smirks.
“Atlas, I was talking to you.”
My forearm throbs. I know without looking he’s left a bruise. If he hadn’t done this several times before, I’d think he damn near fractured my arm. It’ll take a few days, maybe even a week, but I’ll be fine. I just hate how hard it makes it to cover up in the sweltering heat of the summer.
Corbin raises his brow and shakes his head, turning his attention back to me.
“It’s fine. I’m done here anyway.”
He’s not only talking about tonight. There’s an underlying warning never to bring it up again, or next time, it’ll be much worse.
I’m all too familiar with the subtle jabs and the hidden threats, warning me not to mention it or I’ll regret it later. It was all a ploy to get me to play the role of his dutiful wife.
Except I don’t have to listen to him or comply with his rules anymore.
He climbs into his car, slamming the door behind him and peels off down the road. When he’s gone, Corbin cuts across the space separating us. I can tell it bothers him, and he wants to pull me into his arms. If I’m being honest, I wish he would too. It doesn’t escape my mind that Huxton waits inside for me, and I need to check on him.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll be okay. I’ll have a bruise, but it’ll be fine.”
I wince, stretching my arm out. Corbin reaches out, brushing his fingers over the blue and purple forming under my tender skin.
“I know it’s not my business, and dammit, I’m sorry, but I need to know, Haelynn. Has he done this to you before?”
It’s not something I’ve talked about with many people. When I finally broke down and told my mom I needed her help, the floodgates opened, and I spilled it all.
Every last sordid detail of how I got to where I was now.