Page 19 of Where You Belong
“He’s ready for it. Me, on the other hand? The jury is still out.”
“Well, I meant what I said about you bringing him the next time we get together. We’re grilling out this weekend over at Madelyn and Alex’s place. The kids will be there. Bring him with you. It’ll be a good time.”
“He’s supposed to be going with his dad this weekend,” she said. There’s a rustling on the other end of the line. I picture her sitting at her desk, phone pressed against her cheek. “Although, if I’m being honest, I’m fully expecting he’ll back out like he did the last time.”
Annoyance laces with her disappointment. My lip curls, recalling the way he spoke to her and his smug expression when I walked up on them.
I’ve seen his type before. I don’t want Haelynn to know I’ve been sticking my nose in her business, but she’s right. His record is spotless, but it doesn’t mean I didn’t notice all the calls to their residence.
The reports never mentioned any domestic violence, only that Atlas had been heavily intoxicated and belligerent. The neighbors were always worried about Haelynn and Huxton, wanting to make sure they were all right.
“We’ll grill out again soon. Even if he can’t join us this time, we’ll make sure to get him to the next one. He’ll have a good time with Layla and Brit’s kids.”
“He’ll love that.”
Haelynn pauses, and silence falls over the line, leaving only the soft sound of her breathing.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you all week,” I murmur.
“Me either.” She sighs. “Five days.”
I want to ask her if I can come by one night before then after she puts Huxton to bed. I know how it would sound, though, and I don’t want her to get the wrong impression.
I also know she has a lot going on right now. Like I said before, I’ll go at her pace.
I’m not going anywhere.
Chapter Seven
It’s taken some time, but we’ve started to get into a routine at home, just the two of us. I was worried about what the separation would do to Huxton, but seeing how well he’s adjusted, how we both have, I wish I had made the decision sooner.
We attended Back to School night at Huxton’s new school last night. I think I was more worried and nervous than he was. You would’ve never known he was the new kid with how easily he jumped right in, playing with the other kids while the parents listened to the teacher talk through what was in store for the upcoming year.
As hard as it is to think about Huxton being in kindergarten, I am happy to know he’ll be staying busy while I am working, and it gives him the chance to make some new friends.
It’s been almost a week since I’ve seen Atlas. Aside from a few text messages over his plans to take Huxton tonight, we’ve hardly spoken to each other.
The old Haelynn would’ve dropped it and let it go. Over time, I’ve learned not to bring it back up, knowing it would only make things worse. It’s as though he doesn’t want to remember the way he’s treated me, and mentioning it is like poking a bear.
I’m standing in the kitchen, stirring the pasta in the pot on the stove, when Huxton comes barreling down the hall. His dad will be here in about thirty minutes. I shouldn’t worry about it, but I decided to fix him dinner before he left, not wanting a repeat of last week.
“Did you have a good day with Gram?”
Huxton doesn’t answer me for a minute, his eyes following the remote-control car he’s driving around the kitchen, navigating it between my legs before looping around the other side.
“Yoohoo, did you hear me?”
He tilts his head up toward me while never taking his eyes off his car.
“Maybe it’s time we put the car up,” I suggest.
He quickly follows it up with, “No, please.”
I shake my head and smile, repeating the question.
“Yeah, she took me to the library, and we picked out a few books. It was kind of boring after that.”