Page 63 of Where You Belong
It’s the truth. We’ve continued to grow closer over the past few weeks since the night of our talk. I can’t imagine how differently my life would be right now had I not moved across the street from her.
“Of course! I love that little turd.”
She pulls back and glances over at Huxton. She recently shared that she and Alex are trying to have their little one, so she'd gladly take him for us whenever Corbin and I want a date night.
When Corbin got wind of that, he was ready to cash in on the offer. We’ve been seeing each other for three months and still haven’t gone on a date with just the two of us.
When we heard the temperatures were supposed to be in the low seventies, which is warm for Iowa, Corbin insisted on us having a night just the two of us. He wouldn’t share much, but he was excited about his plans.
“I left a spare key to our place in Huxton’s bag.”
She smiles and waves me off, telling me to have fun before she joins Huxton. He has his Hot Wheels scattered across the living room floor. They are both too enthralled to pay me any mind as I slip out the door.
Corbin waits at the end of my driveway.
“You ready?” he asks, raising his brow.
“We have the night to ourselves. I’m all yours now.”
“Mm,” he moans, slipping his arms around my waist and pressing his lips to mine. I almost forget we’re outside when he pulls back.
“We should get going before Mary Jean comes outside and threatens to call the cops on us.”
I toss my head back, laughing. “We’re not breaking any laws, officer. I swear.”
“If we keep this up, though, we will be. I’m not trying to get in trouble, nor do I want to lose my job.”
I grin, shaking my head. He opens the door to his pickup and watches as I climb in.
“Don’t forget to buckle up.”
“Yes, sir.” My voice drops low. His face falls, and he grumbles under his breath something about spanking my ass before he slams the door and jogs around the front to join me.
I peer out the window behind the bench seat, spotting an air mattress in the truck bed. It’s hard to see with the sun setting and darkness starting to fall over the night sky.
“Where are we going, and why do you have a bed in the back?”
“It’s a surprise.” He grins, backing out of the driveway.
It’s a short trip, and I’m even more confused when we pull onto the road leading toward Corbin’s house before turning into his drive.
“You’re taking me to your house for our date?”
“Patience, woman.”
He drives slowly past his shop, the crunching of the gravel under the tires the only sound between us. When he veers off into the grass along the side of the barn, I glance over at him, silently wondering what the heck he has up his sleeve.
I lean forward to peer out the windshield. A white sheet was draped along the side of the worn and rustic building. He turns, backing in so the tailgate faces the barn.
“Give me a minute to get everything set up,” Corbin says, a broad smile stretching across his face.
I lean back, resting against the headrest, and close my eyes. It’s been a long road to where I am now, but I thank my lucky stars every day Corbin was brought into my life.
The seconds tick by, but I keep my eyes faced forward, not wanting to ruin the surprise. A few minutes later, the door handle pops, and Corbin stands beside me. He leans into the cab, tilting my head toward him, and presses his soft lips against mine.
This time he doesn’t pull back. Our tongues tangle together in a duel, causing my chest to heave with every strangled breath. He reaches his hand across my lap and unbuckles the seat belt before stepping back, holding his hand out to help me out.
When I turn to face the truck, music plays, illuminating a picture against the makeshift screen.