Page 9 of Surrender
“Lots of those in our line of business,” I drawl. “I’m actually surprised you’ve made it this far in this life, if you’re always this flamboyant.”
Fox manages to keep his expression neutral this time. “Yeah. That’s why I work alone. And why most people who piss me off end up dead.” He settles back against the headboard with a wince. “You’re gay too, aren’t you? And you’ve got me chained up now. You definitely can’t explain this away to your underlings or housekeeper.” He points down to his flaccid, still exposed cock.
“My underlings and housekeeper have seen worse,” I say bluntly, for all that I smile at him. “Especially when I decide to take a knife to the floppy little cock of someone who’s being entirely unhelpful. Good thing you haven’t been unhelpful so far… Oh wait.” I look pointedly at him.
Fox draws his legs a bit closer to himself, hiding his cock as best he can. “Haven’t you tortured it enough? I’ll take the electroshock over the knifeplay.” Then he chuckles. “Got enough slices in me already anyway.”
“I shocked it once,” I point out. “That’s… not even torture. That was an experiment. I tried it on my arm, for fuck’s sake.”
“Yeah, and your arm isn’t hypersensitive.” He pauses with a loud sigh. “Anyway, what are you planning to do with me? I can try to look into who the bomber is, but not if I’m chained up here. All I’m good for right now is a good, hard pounding.”
“And do you always get what you want?” I ask, quirking a brow at him. “It sounds like a terrible thing, to be so spoiled.”
“Sounds like it’s good to be me,” Fox answers. He lets his legs fall apart again, and with the newly loosened chain, he manages to get his hand around his cock. “It seems like we both want the same thing, Daddy. Why not have some fun with it? We fuck each other senseless, we track down our bomber, we murder him and fuck in the pool of their blood…”
“You’re not even aroused,” I point out. “And I’m not gay. So why do you think we have anything in common beyond finding out who wants us dead?”
I’m genuinely curious, because it isn’t often that people clock me as anything but straight.
I don’t expect him to burst out laughing.
“You’re not gay? Fuck off.” Fox covers his mouth with his hand to muffle his laughter. “Do you actually believe that?”
“Why has no one ever heard of bisexuality?” I gripe as I close my fingers around the remote so I can shock the hell out of him.
Fox convulses and groans at the pain. He clutches the sheets to steady himself, and more sweat trails down his forehead.
He looks very, very good like that.
When the shock subsides, Fox sits there, panting, for a few moments.
“Dunno… dunno if you’re bi…” Fox says in between gasps. “But you definitely want cock. And you…” He glances at my crotch. “You seem to like seeing me suffer.”
“That means I’m a sadist, not gay,” I tell him, unable to keep the amusement out of my voice. “I’d be just as happy if I had a woman in that bed. Maybe even happier. Who knows?”
“Sure.” Fox gives me a sly grin. “And that’s why you shocked me when I suggested you might be gay.”
“I shocked you because it was fun.” I shrug. Just for good measure, I do it again.
He moans again, stretching out his neck and parting his lips in a way I know is meant to be seductive. He’s a manipulative little shit.
But he’s good at being a manipulative little shit, because my eyes are drawn to his throat and the way he swallows around the pain.
“D-daddy… please…” Fox groans, his eyes fluttering shut.
Fuck, this is going straight to my cock. I don’t know what’s more potent: the way he’s moaning, the way he’s positioned, or the way he says the word Daddy.
It’s going to his cock too, though; he’s no longer flaccid. I wonder if it would just take one more shock to get him to full hardness.
Fuck it.
I turn up the voltage and shock him again. He might end up wetting the bed, but that’s why I’ve got someone on standby to clean up the messes.
Fox cries out again, his body convulsing a bit from the shock… but his cock does get fully hard, and he starts to stroke himself through it all, moaning and crying out in turn.
I turn off the current, and Fox slumps forward, whimpering, but still palming his cock.
“I didn’t tell you you could touch yourself,” I say, stalking forward and grabbing his wrist. I dig my fingernails into his skin and yank his hand back, nearly crushing those delicate little fingers in the process.