Page 107 of Naughty Lessons
“You know how it is. And Natasha has made things far easier for him too. Just last night, I caught two more students peddling drugs. And they’re primarily targeting female students. Em, we have to do something.”
Emma stared into her cup. “The last time I tried to do something, Noah, I got one of the closest people to all of us killed.”
I shook my head. “June’s death had nothing to do with you, Em. What would you have done? Not stood up for yourself? Gone along with whatever he kept saying and doing?”
“I could have warned her that bad things come for those who try to cross Emory and his aunt.”
“It was an accident.”
“None of us believe that.”
True enough. We didn’t. We knew there was something going on the night of the accident.
I finished the rest of my drink in silence. I had no idea what else I could tell Emma.
At the very end, she let out a little breath.
“I’d like to meet her.”
“Who? Rory?”
She nodded.
That was something. That could...
“When is the gala this year?” she asked.
I checked my phone. “It’s in twenty days.”
“And you know he might make his move there, right?”
“I do.”
“Do you have a plan in place?”
I shook my head. “Elijah is in his own world when it comes to thinking about revenge. There are moments I feel he’s going too dark, like he just wants to catch Abbot alone so he can go full Mafia on him.”
“Be gentle with him. He’s the one who has lost the most, Noah.”
I sighed. She was right.
A scrawny man with a camera in his hands sauntered up to our table.
“You’re that chick.”
I knew where this was going. Emma had been denied all rights to privacy following the media screwing up every last detail of what had actually happened.
“Get the fuck away from our table.” I stood up and looked at him menacingly.
He wagged his pen at me. “You can’t talk to reporters like that. Plus, I ain’t talking to you. How’d you like to give me your story, love?” he leered at Emma.
“Enough.” I took him by the collar and dragged him out into the street, completely oblivious to all the stares that followed me. Emma ran behind us, slightly out of breath.
“Noah, just let him go. It isn’t worth it.”
Her words came a little too late, because as soon as I released him, he tried to make a pass at her, and I responded in kind by punching his throat.
Gasping, he fell on the ground, flailing around like a slimy little reptile as he uttered obscenities.