Page 12 of Naughty Lessons
And no, it was not like I felt butterflies. Rather, it was as if the ground under my feet had never felt more solid.
There was electricity, but the kind that lights up a room rather than walking headfirst into blinding lights.
It felt... unrealandreal.
I shrugged my shoulders, trying to center myself to the present.
Rory Sullivan. English Lit class.Just get in and don’t make a bloody fool of yourself.
I scampered inside and shuffled to the back of the room, trying to attract as little attention as I could. Pretty damn difficult when I was the only late one in the whole fucking class.
Thankfully, a girl with bright red highlights in her hair and punk piercings moved her bag, and I slunk in, trying to disappear behind the long desk.
Professor Elijah Taylor. New to East Harbor. Definite heartthrob.
Glad I’d sorted that bit out.
He walked like he could own any room. There was a light charisma, a dancer’s grace in his movements. And his smile, too.
“So, going back to what we were talking about before we got interrupted by the very lovely... ?”
Crap, was he asking me to introduce myself?
All at once, it was as if I were aboard a doomed spaceship, and there were a thousand beady eyes staring at me.
Luminous beings we are.My mind immediately channeled whatever I’d learned from Yoda and my teenage fascination with being as tiny and wise as him.Not this crude matter.
Damn it, Rory.I shook my head.Focus.
Man, I did not want this.
Thanks for putting me in a spot, Professor.
“Rory,” I muttered. “Aurora Sullivan.”
“Ms. Aurora. A pleasure to meet you. I hope you’ve had an easier time finding this darned room than I did.”
The room filled with a bout of sniggering. Just what I needed.
So, the professor had a way with words, too.
“Now, returning to the topic of sex in literature. What do you all think... yes, Ms. Adams.”
“I think literature is a lot like anything in biology. It’s always evolving. Our sexual identities are tied to who we are as people. And we bring that to what we read and write.”
“Very good.” He beamed and turned to the rest of us.
And it was as if he knew how to command the attention of every single person in the room. I could sense the connection between him and me.
It felt like this world was ours alone. Man, what the fuck?
This was not good.No, Rory,I muttered through gritted teeth.Definitely not good.
“Yes, Ms. Sullivan? Would you like to offer your two cents?”
I balked. Why did this dude keep throwing me in the limelight when all I wanted to do was sit back and get through class without feeling like a damn prepper?
Maybe the preppies were on to something when they talked about hiding out in dens.