Page 141 of Naughty Lessons
I’d placed the end with the camera in our direction.
“I’d like to see a lot of things,” he said in a husky undertone. “You look ravishing.”
The way he said the word made me feel like someone had poured a bucket of ice water on me.
Fucking perv.
I swayed my hips as I moved to the table. I pretended to fiddle with the bag’s chain.
“Oh, my goodness,” I groaned. “I can’t seem to open this chain! How silly of me!”
I heard the muffled sound of his footsteps on the carpeted floor as he walked over. My senses were on high alert, all of them telling me to run.
Oh, the will it took to not listen to my primal urges, the ones that wanted to toss the bag in his face, sucker punch him, and bolt like a damn deer.
I gritted my teeth as the overwhelming scent of tobacco smoke and something sickeningly sweet came closer. He was breathing heavily.
His hands came up to touch my arms, and he moved them to my waist, then up.
I turned around, shock in my eyes.
Game time.
“Sir!” I made my best innocent face. “What are you doing?”
“You know what I’m doing,” he replied, licking his lips. “Don’t tell me you don’t want this too. Look at how you’re swaying those hips and sticking those tits out. You want me to fuck you, Aurora.”
“Oh, my God!” I let out a distressed cry. “Sir, no, I never...”
“Hush, hush,” he crooned, moving in closer and grabbing my waist once again. “The drugs should be settling in. Let them do their work. And I...” His mouth was unbearably close.
I closed my eyes and bunched my hands into fists, struggling weakly in his arms.
“No, sir, I don’t understand. What drugs?”
Immediately, he pushed me back. There was a look of suspicion in his eyes.
Fuck, was I supposed to be out cold already? Was that what he thought?
Improvise, Rory. Come on.
I dropped down on the floor, my heart pumping so hard I wanted to throw up.
“Oh, no,” I moaned. “I don’t feel so good. Sir, can you please... a doctor... oh, my head is spinning. Sir...”
That slimy smile returned, and he knelt down and pushed me to the ground. Not good. The camera wouldn’t get a clear view, and chances were he’d feel the wires.
I pushed him off feebly and wobbled onto my feet before getting to the bed and dropping down on it.
“What have you done, sir?” I moaned. “Did you... what is happening to me?”
“Now, now.” He sounded like he was scolding me. “Don’t resist the drugs. That’s why they’re taking so much time to work! Just relax and enjoy it.”
He was obscenely close. He ran a hand over his mouth and pushed me down on the bed. I could see his... oh, hell no. That had to be his erection.
He turned me around.
Say it. Say what I fucking need you to say, Abbot.