Page 147 of Naughty Lessons
Oh, she’d driven me insane. Too insane to live without her.
For the rest of my life, I’d memorize her face, her voice, her touch. And I’d come for her.
“How does it feel to lose, Professor Abbot?”
I turned and hissed at her. “It feels like I’ve fallen in love with you.”
She took two steps back, both disgust and triumph etched on her face.
“Check-fucking-mate, you fucker.”
It had been a long, long evening. On any other day, I’d want to go back home, lie in my bed and begin another mammoth rerun of all the Bridget Jones movies, with my trusted Ben and Jerry’s by my side.
Maybe even some popcorn for that perfect sweet-salty taste.
But this occasion merited a different kind of a celebration.
“Well, that was quite the sting operation we pulled off,” said Chelsea, as she sipped from her glass of champagne. The relief on her face was very, very pronounced.
The samples would take some time to come through. But all of us knew there would be drugs in them. Ali had literally carried the whole op on his shoulders.
I mean, I hadn’t done too bad of a job myself, but I wasn’t about to go tooting my own horn.
Elijah sat across the table from us.
“All good at home?” I asked him, knowing part of his mind was on Sally.
He nodded. “Emma and Sophia are both holding the fort down.”
We’d been swarmed by the guests for a whole hour after Abbot was taken away by my father.
It was all mostly positive. Professor McManus himself had come over to chat with us. He told me he’d be very interested to see the paper I wrote with Emma.
So, for all intents and purposes, the evening had been a very fruitful one.
I still felt a little uneasy at the way Emory Abbot had spoken to me after getting arrested. It was as if he was going to carry a perverse torch for me to fuel his days in prison.
I didn’t really want to think of what might happen if he ever got out. But, looking around me at my best friend and my three protectors, I already knew I’d be safe.
“How did you get Orville Butler on the team?” Noah asked, biting into a sandwich. “Man, these cucumber things are good. Who knew pretty food could be this amazing?”
I rolled my eyes. “Pretty food is always amazing, Noah. It's just that it comes in these really itty-bitty quantities. It's easy on the eye, but it makes you crave more.”
“That’s some psychology shit for you right there.” Benjamin chuckled. “A sure-shot way to get you to spend more.”
Noah sighed. “I wouldn’t mind shelling out some dough for more of these. Okay, but Rory—Orville Butler?”
I looked at the three of them and smiled. “He’s my father.”
Chelsea already knew, and she just put an arm around my shoulder.
To do them credit, they didn't push me on the subject. Instead, they simply nodded.
“I can’t believe how badass you were.” Benjamin laughed. “Going full rogue, getting Ali and Butler and God knows who else. Did you really have a whole team behind you?”