Page 45 of Naughty Lessons
Wait a fucking second.
How the fuck did he know my name?
The Next Day
My first task this morning was to get Professors Taylor and Evans in one room.
I wanted more time to think about what had gone down last night—but it would have to wait.
My mind had other plans though, and it kept going back to our conversation. Not that we said a lot that wasn’t related to sex… but, had I inadvertently mentioned my name while talking to the stranger behind the screen?
I tried to jog my memory, but the paper in my hand was commanding all of my attention.
Safe to say my heart was in my mouth when I approached the English classroom. I really wanted to impress Professor Taylor. It could be that he was insanely hot and funny at the same time, but mostly, it was because of his knowledge and love for his subject.
It pushed me to become a better student.
To my surprise, I found Professor Evans in the same room as him, deep in discussion about something. Taylor had a small frown on his face, as if he was going back and forth in his own head. But Evans looked as confident as he always did.
Something rippled in me—seeing these two gorgeous hunks in their white shirts and jeans, unconventional against the pedantic setting of the college.
Their command over the room was uncanny, like theyknewthey could do whatever and get away with it because they were so gorgeous.
Plus, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had the second I laid my eyes on them. Once again, like an unfamiliar moment ofdéjà vu.Like knowing I’d been a part of their lives somewhere, in some alternate universe, but not being able to figure it out.
The connection in this room, for one, felt personal. And electric.
Suddenly, Taylor looked up, saw me, and muttered something to Evans, who immediately turned around with a big smile on his face.
Wait, why did I get the impression they’d been talking about me? I shrugged the feeling off. No way. I was being unrealistic—and too much vanity was never a good thing. Jane Austen would agree.
“Hello,” I muttered, walking to the table and hoping I wouldn’t slip and fall like I had last time. Or maybe, if I did, I could just make a dance move halfway like those damn Tik-Tok stars and make my blunder look fancy.
Talk about out-of-the-shower shower thoughts.
“Good morning, Ms. Sullivan.” Noah beamed. “You’re quite early. I believe Elijah has class in half an hour? You must really love his lessons.”
Again, with the way he spoke. Ugh, it made me blush like I was back in high school, mooning over a douchey guy, except this guy wasn’t douchey at all. No, he was actually wonderful.
“Yes, I...” I stammered and held out the paper in my arms. “I did this assignment last night. I’m not sure if you’d like it, but I really wanted the two of you to read it.”
“Oh, goodness!” Noah took the paper immediately. “We’ll read it right now.”
“Wh–what? Now? Like here?”
He eyed me quizzically, his irises piercing into mine. “Do you have anywhere else to be, Ms. Sullivan?”
I opened and closed my mouth, caught completely off guard. Unable to come up with a witty reply, I finally sat down on the front bench with a resigned expression on my face.
The professors leaned down over my paper, each scrutinizing it.
I tried to remember what I’d written.
Snippets returned to my mind. I’d gone at this the whole night after sexy time with the stranger, so it had definitely influenced the final outcome.
Oscar Wilde once said, "Books are well written or badly written. That is all." But what if I told you that books could also be written about the stars and the cosmos?
We have countless works of literature that explore the mysteries of the universe and delve into the human psyche.