Page 52 of Naughty Lessons
It’s not everyday you expect to see your psychology professor pop up in front of you in a sex room chat.
“Professor, I’m so sorry,” she stammered, her lips trembling. “I just came here to... I mean, I didn’t mean to run into you.”
“What if I told you I was waiting for you to run into me, Rory?” I asked. “What if I told you I’ve been waiting for this night all along, from the first time I laid eyes on you in this very chatroom?”
Her mouth fell open. “You... you were one of the masked men from that night? The blue eyes... I thought...”
I nodded. “You have unlocked parts of me that I didn’t think could possibly exist anymore, Aurora Sullivan. Your bravery, wit, beauty, all of you... I find you irresistible. And I want to see where this goes.”
She blushed. She looked so pretty, her bronze skin gleaming under the yellow lights of her room, her hair all messy and askew. She’d worn a flowy little dress that accentuated every delicious curve on her body.
It made me crave more of her. I wanted her with me, not on the opposite end of this chatroom. I wanted to feel her skin against mine, hear her whisper as I’d teach her what I knew.
And I knew quite a bit.
“I... I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind, Professor,” she finally whispered, her head down as she spoke.
Hallelujah. Did fireworks just explode in my mind? Am I a kid in a candy store again?My smile widened, becoming goofy.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me.”
“But...” She raised her intriguingly different, two-toned eyes and they pierced into my own. They were so raw, so big and wholesome. She could hold worlds in those eyes, speak without having to say anything. “You’re my teacher. Won’t this be an issue? Isn’t it forbidden?”
Forbidden. Yes.
“In my experience, I’ve noticed that the sweetest things in life, the ones that bring us the most pleasure, are always forbidden. Society teaches us to accept the boring and the conventional ascorrect.But you and I, we both know we’re meant for unknown shores.”
Her gaze intensified.
“I do not intend to limit you in any way,” I continued.
“I have seen enough to know, to understand you are a wildling, Rory. And at this age, you should experience every freedom that makes life so sweet. I only want to be part of your journey, if you would have me.”
Nothing was more important to me than this. I knew if I told the boys about this reverse harem situation, Elijah would balk at the onset. Benji? He’d be excited. But the real thing here was coming together around a girl we all cared about.
A girl we wanted to safeguard, teach, love, and cherish.
“What do you know about polyamory, Aurora?” I asked. I admired how Rory did not shy away from any topic of conversation. There was an innate curiosity in her, a burning desire to know and understand more, and it made me fall harder for her every second.
“I know it in reference to manga,” she replied, suddenly grinning like a kid. “One cute girl, and many other guys vying for her affections.”
“Or...” I took my time with responding. “It could be a slow-burn romance, where the main heroine, a stunning nymph, falls for each of the men in her life slowly, but surely.”
There lay the power of words. Rory and I weren’t anywhere near each other physically, but I could feel the heat radiating from her body through the damn screen.
It made me want to break through the thin barrier and kiss her.
“I would be an ideal student if I embraced polyamory after the lecture you gave us that day,” she teased me, smiling shyly.
Oh, this girl. She just had this light in her. She knew what she was doing. She knew how to pull at my heartstrings and play them like a fucking harp.
Did it mean she could absolutely crush me? Sure.
Was it going to be worth the risk, all over again? Abso-fucking-lutely.
“You’re already getting pretty close to being my ideal student,” I teased her. “But I’m afraid I don’t play favorites in class. Here, though...”
I let my intentions hang in the air, now thick with palpable tension.