Page 28 of Breakaway
Speaking of, do you want me to feed Lady Sterling?
Yeah, if you don’t mind. Otherwise, she’ll bug you until she gets her dinner. She usually has it by now.
Payment for the distraction.
*fans self*
Daddy Fletch
Be good, Dax. Don’t open the door for strangers! We’ll be home in a few hours.
Love you, Dax.
Love you, Petal. I’ll see you other two turds soon.
Turd. *Laughing face*
Rolling my eyes, I stood up and tossed my trash into the can, my mood more upbeat than when I’d sat down. Lady Sterling meowed louder, so I walked over to the cupboard and prepared her some food, sitting it in the cute little bowl Reed had gotten her. As much as I didn’t want to admit it to him, she’d been a great addition to the house, especially in these rare moments no one else was home.
After a quick shower, I settled on the couch and pulled up the link Reed had sent. It didn’t take long before I became engrossed in the comic, amazed at the level of skill some people had to bring a story visually to life. Laughing at the banter, I jolted when a knock sounded at the door, almost dropping my phone.
I checked the time, uncertainty building in my gut as I headed to the door, my phone grasped in my hand. Who would be stopping by at this hour?
Flipping on the outside light, I hit ‘record’ on my phone as a precaution before I opened the door a crack. The stoop was empty, the sounds of crickets the only thing I could hear. Relaxing, I moved to close the door, but something jammed in it before I could.
The barrel of a gun was aimed right at my stomach. Instinct took over, and I moved behind the door, slamming my shoulder into it as I attempted to smash the gun. Instead, it went off, firing into the house and splintering wood as the bullet lodged itself into the wall.
“What the fuck?!” I shouted, my breathing ramping up as I tried to think of what to do.
“Come out, or the next one goes in your skull.”
“Why can’t you leave me alone? I don’t have anything!” I screamed. I lifted my phone and tried to dial 911. My hands shook from the adrenaline, and my body braced against the door as it pushed forward.
“It’s moved beyond drugs, Dax. Your lady friend has pissed off a lot of people. I’m here to send a message.”
“Leave Henley out of this. She has nothing to do with any of it.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Dax. From what I’m told, she’s the bitch ruining lives and causing people to lose a ton of money.”
“Money?” I scoffed as the operator came onto the line. I couldn’t say anything without alerting Gareth, so I tried to think of how to let them know I needed help. “Just drop the gun, and we can talk, man.”
“Nah. I quite like it. Your time is up.”