Page 122 of Abduction
“Artemis Dubois. She wanted these to hurt you. When I offered him money, at first, he said yes. Then, he tried to renege from our deal. That’s how he ended up dying. Again, he had it coming...”
Now, he was angry.
Artemis had crossed a line, and he only wished he’d snapped her neck the last time he saw her.
“And you killed him?”
She shrugged.
“What wouldn’t I do to protect you? I only help The Hunters for you. I don’t play sides, but I’ve clearly picked one because I want to make sure you’re safe.”
“Why?” he asked.
She was honest.
“Because I know that someone has to protect you and your heart. I’m that person. I’m your person.”
He blinked.
“What do I owe you?” he asked.
She shook her head.
“Nothing. I don’t want anything from you. Not money, not sex, not a favor. I did it because your wife and child deserve someone to protect them too. They were victims, and I wanted them safe. For you.”
His heart softened.
In that moment, he knew that she wouldn’t ever hurt him. This was his sign. He’d been looking for it, and there was no way this wasn’t it.
This was the ultimate act of trust and love.
Remington was sure of it.
“Take them,” she said.
He stared at the folder.
“And that’s all of them?” he asked.
She nodded.
He stared at them, and then up at Calyx. He knew what he needed to do.
“I need a favor.”
He already knew she looked at them. Calyx had told him that she knew she looked like his wife. There was only one way that she would know that.
Those photos.
“Yes, Remmy?”
He couldn’t do it.
“Please destroy them and don’t let me have them. They kill a little more of me when I see what happened to Karen and Kelsy. I’m not strong enough to open that folder and face it again.”
She got it.
Taking them out, he saw the familiar crime scene photos and focused on her.