Page 133 of Abduction
This was nice.
“I’m sorry I was rough.”
She could tell this was a totally different man. He was calm, and he was relaxed.
“I liked it. Do it again. Please.”
He laughed.
He loved being around her. There was something about how she helped him be…him.
Remington wished he could stay like this forever, but he knew that she had a bar to open, and he had intel to get back to the family.
“I have to go,” he whispered.
She knew he would leave.
“Okay,” she said.
“Thank you for the intel,” he said, kissing her on the tip of the nose. “And for destroying those photos.”
She lifted her head to stare at him. When they were nose to nose, she placed her hand on his cheek.
And warned him.
“Remmy, be careful. Artemis is foul, and she’s twisted this city up into a mess for that Russian. Watch your back. No one is safe.”
He kissed her again because he needed to.
When he broke it, he reassured her.
“We know she’s pulling the strings, Calyx. We’re hunting her. Please say nothing.”
She put her fingers over his lips.
“I will NEVER do anything that compromises you. I’ll protect you to my last breath.”
Oddly, he believed her.
“I know, Calyx. Just keep your head low, your ears open, and don’t be afraid to call me. I’m worried too.”
Not as much as she was.
Lately, the intel coming in felt…off.
Like she wasn’t getting the full picture, and that had her nervous.
Was something coming?
Was someone pulling the strings?
Lifting her off of him, he got up, grabbed his clothing, and pulled on his briefs and jeans.