Page 199 of Abduction
“I don’t know if I can,” he whispered. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
Jagger gave him a kiss on the temple.
“I’m going to do it with you. As is Remington, Rogue, and the rest of the family. You’re not alone. We’re going to hold you together. If it takes a year, or ten, we’re going to be right behind you protecting you. I swear.”
He slowly nodded.
Elizabeth was up.
“We have a therapist lined up.”
He kept chewing.
“We have two choices, Gamble. We do the intensive therapy with a specialist, while you’re protected by your family, or we have to put you in the hospital.”
“Or let me die.”
Yeah, no.
“That isn’t an option,” Jagger said. “You’re a Marine. You served honorably, you fought for our country, and now, we’re going to fight for you. We won’t let you fall, Gamble. We can’t.”
He said nothing.
Jagger went with tough love.
“Decide,” Jagger said. “You have to decide because we will give you that option.”
Gamble knew he’d never be the same again. He knew that with losing Storm and his child, he’d never love another woman again, or have another child.
He couldn’t do it.
That path to him was over.
Truth be told, he’d never love another woman again because he couldn’t trust them. Storm had destroyed him.
In a way, she’d killed him too in the cruelest way possible.
She’d killed his heart.
“I’ll see a doctor,” he said. “I’ll start therapy for you guys.”
Well, it was a step.
Not a big one, but one, nonetheless.
Elizabeth shared the information with the man so he’d know what was going to happen.
“Doctor Poe Seville specializes in this kind of trauma,” she admitted. “Maura’s sister-in-law recommended this particular doctor.”
He kept chewing.
“I said I’ll do it. I have nothing left anyway. Why not?” he whispered.
In that moment, Elizabeth knew the truth.
This wasn’t going to work. Gamble was going to need something completely different than just a weekly visit from a therapist.
“Finish your lunch,” she said, handing him the soda. As he sipped it, she motioned for Jagger to join her in the hall. As they let Gamble eat, they had a little meeting.