Page 245 of Abduction
“Tommy isn’t the kind of person that I’d ever put on my team.”
Ethan knew his wife wasn’t telling him something, but he wasn’t sure what. They’d been a team a long time, and she had tells.
That sent up warning flags for him.
“What happened?”
She glanced over at him.
“Oh, I bet you wished that you talked to me alone now, don’t you?” she asked. “Now you can’t hear the good, classified shit,” she said, pointing at Gene.
He laughed.
“Vicious. I like it. That’s sexy in a wife, and you know that you can trust Gene. I do.”
She laughed but she sounded tired. Elizabeth was burning the candle at both ends, from the top, and through the middle. Being here was tough when she had so much on her plate, but she was loyal.
So, she explained.
“A lot of this is my gut, and you know I’m hell on anything my gut warns me about.”
He was aware.
She went there.
“Not only did Tommy threaten the Hunters, but I read him as being very vengeful, Ethan. He’s got a big ol’ boner that you and Gene are going to break my heart and shack up. He’s been bitching about it all day. Not like warning me, but waiting for it to happen so he can lose his nut.”
Oh, well, shit.
Now, he understood why she asked what she asked when she came into the room.
“I would never cheat on my spouses. Ever.”
That wasn’t her concern.
His safety was.
She leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. Then, she rested her forehead on his.
“I know, handsome. I know. I’m just afraid of what someone who believes themselves scorned would do.”
Gene didn’t like this.
There was no way she could be right.
“He wouldn’t hurt Ethan.”
She looked over.
“I don’t agree. He sees Ethan as the reason your upcoming marriage fell apart. I’ve been burned before. If you come home, he stays here. I’m not having him walk up to my husband and stab him in the heart because he’s angry.”