Page 251 of Abduction
Because it was true.
He did still love Ethan more than anything or anyone in the whole world, and he’d take that to his grave. Gene was done getting on and off the relationship wagon.
It was best to have family than a lover.
“And you’re sure?” she asked.
He nodded.
Ethan came out and watched it all go down.
“I’m going to say this had something to do with the note?” she asked.
Ethan headed their way.
“It did,” he said, but offered nothing more to her. This wasn’t the time or the place. They’d discuss it when they were alone.
That was fine by her.
She’d assumed as much.
“Okay, Gene. Have a seat. Ethan can you go order us something to eat. I’m going to do this alone with Gene.”
He gave her a kiss on the cheek, and placed his hand on Gene’s shoulder in support.
Gene was sitting across from her in a chair and looked…pissed.
“I’ll handle this so it’s in effect when we land back home.”
Ethan would give them a moment.
He trusted his wife.
“For the record,” she said, when Ethan was gone, “I’m sorry. I can only imagine what he tried to inflict on you just now in that note. It had to be bad.”
Oh, it was.
Only, it was his turn.
“You don’t have to be sorry. I’m the one who is sorry,” he said.
She was confused.
“Why are you sorry?” she asked.
He was honest.
“Because he’s your husband, and I do still love him. I can’t pretend I don’t. He’s my best friend. He was my whole world for seven years. When I lost Preston…”
She understood.
And she didn’t fault him for that.
If anything, they’d all learned that the heart loved who the heart loved. Look at her.
She’d married Ethan, fell in love with his brother, and forgave the man who was her first love. Now, they made a family.