Page 284 of Abduction
Someone wasn’t happy. She needed to figure out why before losing ground with him. The last thing she wanted was Remmy pulling away.
“Is this because you’re scared that something almost happened to me?” she asked. “Because in the van, you were being nice, and now, you’re cranky.”
Oh, well, yeah, he was scared.
“I’m good,” he said, snapping.
At his tone, she began crying. All through this, she’d been trying to be strong. She’d seen him hit in the head, had to fake being drugged so she could save him, and then stay calm in the van.
Calyx was at her max.
On top of all of that, he was treating her as if she was the enemy.
At her almost silent sobs, he softened.
“Don’t cry,” he whispered. “I’m just scared. We’re in the middle of the swamp, and I’m bleeding. I have an open wound, and already, I’m feeling feverish.”
She touched his face.
He was.
Oh, no.
This was getting worse.
Remmy tried to reassure her.
“I think there is a hunting camp somewhere near here,” he admitted. “I saw signs of hunting for gators and traps. If we can find it, and I can get dry, and find a way to stitch up the bullet wound…”
She got it.
Calyx was going to have to help him so that he could find a way to get us rescued.
“I can stitch you up,” she said.
He kissed her on the face.
“I’m sorry I was mean.”
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and whispered in his ear.
“We’ll get through this. We’re a team.”
By god, they were.
This was no weak woman who was a victim. She’d survived so much, and she never gave up.
That might just be enough to save them because right now, he needed her to carry the weight once he was out of energy.
Remington didn’t have much left.
“Do you still have that phone you found in the van?” he asked.
That she did.
She pulled it from the safety of her bra.