Page 289 of Abduction
And prayed.
When it was gone, she slowly made her way down the tree, to the roof, and then the decking.
Then, she went back inside.
Calyx could hear the gators out in the water frolicking, and she wasn’t sure if they could get onto the deck.
Well, she wasn’t finding out.
Once inside, she locked the door, tucked a chair under the knob, and checked on Remington.
His color was a little better, so there was that. Maybe he’d be okay with some rest. At some point, if The Hunters didn’t get the text, they’d realize that Remington was missing.
They’d notice.
She hoped.
Back inside, she took some of the spare water and used the sink to rinse off his shirt and boxers. She hung them by the fire, making sure they got dry.
She tidied up because this wasn’t their place, and she hoped the owner didn’t show up angry.
That was the last thing she needed.
Then, she went over to Remmy, and sat beside him on the couch, one of the guns on her lap.
Now, she’d wait.
And pray.
She needed a miracle, or she was going to be losing the man she just caught.
Yeah, that was just her luck.
* * * H U N T E R S * * *
After Dark
En Route
Ironically, Not Far Away
Now that the sun had set, and they were able to move around a little easier, the Marines were on the prowl.
They’d slipped out of Chartres, using the parking area attached to Jagger and Maura’s secret home.
Now, they were at the location, and ready to go.
Merry, Boone, Dakota, and Rogue were at the house, trying to find anything that would get them Artemis. They need to find her location, so they didn’t have to use Merry and Boone as bait.
That was the last-case scenario.