Page 297 of Abduction
“You guys okay?” she asked, recognizing the number.
He didn’t hesitate.
“We are, but we have a problem.”
“Oh, boy.”
“Yeah,” Rogue said. “We got here, and everyone inside is dead. Someone came in and killed about seven people.”
She suspected as much.
“Did you find Calyx and Remmy?” she asked, needing to figure out if they had, actually, been taken.
“No, but guess what we did find in the back of the building.”
He shared.
“Two phones smashed into pieces, and signs of a fight. There’s blood on the ground.”
Yeah, that confirmed it.
Artemis made a play for Remington, and someone had gotten hurt.
Now, they had to find him.
Remmy was family.
And Artemis, for touching one of their family members…
Chapter Eighteen
The Warehouse
Same Time
T he Major took a few things personally, and someone gunning for her family was the one way to get her riled up and pissed off. When someone came for the people she loved, she got bitchy.
Artemis was now annoying her, and when that happened, it was time to do something.
Like send her packing.
To jail.
To Germany.
Or right to Hell.
That she was working so hard to undermine the balance in NOLA told her one thing.
They had to make an example of her.
Oh, and they would too.