Page 302 of Abduction
“Remember that day back in Columbia when you guys got the information on El Gato’s whereabouts?”
He nodded.
“Yeah, we were rescuing Doctor Leonard. Roger Blackthorne, me, Elizabeth, Charlie LaRue, and Axelle were there.”
“And Artemis?”
“Yeah, she had led one of El Gato’s assholes right to Chris to get him to bring his phone for her to trace it.”
“Walk me through it.”
He did once in the report, but since the Major wanted it, he’d do it.
“We kicked in the doors, and eventually shot Leopoldo Geronimo. He was El Gato’s second in command. Chris had been tortured to give up our location and his wife.”
Maura was piecing it together.
“Did Artemis know there were more people on the ground there?”
He considered it.
“Yes. We mentioned more CIA in country.”
He looked around.
“Do you think that she betrayed them?”
“And us,” she said. “Know what’s never sat right with me? While El Gato had allies, he didn’t have the kind of allies that could take out a group of elite Marines.”
He waited.
“Who hired the guerillas? We know El Gato was aware of them, but who set up that deal?”
Jagger blinked.
“Their weapons.”
Maura glanced over.
“They were using American weapons. The guns were ours. They got them from us.”
“Who plays games like that?” she asked.
“The CIA,” they all said together.
“So she knew we were going in,” Maura stated, “and likely was being told to protect any other mission that was underway.”
Lewis reminded her.
“But not the location. Elizabeth gave that to me, and only me. She refused to let Artemis have it because she didn’t trust her. She shot her in the chest, and didn’t know she was in body armor.”
“Artemis knew it would be in the jungle, and we walked through it, likely having guerillas following us. Artemis Dubois has this shit because she at some point connected with El Gato. She was playing both sides.”
Oh, well, fuck her.
“So my wife was assaulted by guerillas because not only did Chevy and Micah betray us, but she was making money from El Gato too?”