Page 304 of Abduction
Jinx handled this one.
“He showed me and told me he did. She drugged him, incapacitated him, got the intel, and sold it. She sold out Remington and enjoyed it.”
Elizabeth knew that to be true.
“He’s always been her fixation. He’s told me she’s tried to get him back into bed.”
“Uh, well, about that…”
She told her about the bed and restraints.
“It looks like she was planning on it again. She was going to destroy him.”
Elizabeth knew why.
“Because if she can’t have him, no one can,” Elizabeth stated. “That’s why she is fixated on Calyx. I bet she’d love to get her and make Remmy watch Artemis taking her apart.”
“God, I hate her,” Zayn said.
“Ditto,” Reaper said. “She set up the guerillas that tortured us? She’s dead.”
Elizabeth knew what she needed to do.
“Don’t tell Remington.”
Well, about that.
“He’s MIA. We have footage of them taking Calyx, and he tried to save her. When we got here, there were three dead mercenaries and a message from Remmy. They’re in the swamp, and someone is bleeding.”
Holy shit.
“We have to find him.”
She was aware.
“We will,” she said. “Should we blow the warehouse?” Maura asked.
Elizabeth thought about it.
“No. We now know where she’ll go hide. I’ll see if I can get some satellite time, and have it monitored. I have a friend in NSA who owes me a favor. Just find Remmy.”
That they would do.
“I have to figure out who in the CIA is helping her by feeding her intel. That explains why the CIA is all stirred up that she’s gone rogue.”
Yes, yes, it did.
Who knew what secrets she sold to the Russians?
“I’m going to start working on who is helping her in the CIA because if she escapes, we don’t need her giving Alexsandr more information.”
“We have his face.”
She paused.
“Artemis had a CIA folder with his face. The CIA knew who he was the whole time.”