Page 370 of Abduction
Elizabeth could tell.
“Then, you sell US secrets to the Russians, by way of compromising Marines on the ground here? By the way, my own personal team has found your money. By now, you should check your account balance.”
Artemis pulled out her phone and looked. When she logged in, she saw a horrible thing.
She was broke.
Forty million dollars, and her retirement was now gone.
“The Hunters came here first yesterday. They stripped it of intel, files, and photos. The men you tossed to the hooker to plant with Calyx had phones where you sent money electronically. I happen to employ one hell of a hacker.”
She wasn’t done.
“You shouldn’t have left that file of Alexsandr laying around like that. We now have his face, so won’t he be shocked as shit when he arrives and doesn’t have that secrecy anymore. Damn FBI and their team.”
She screamed.
She literally grabbed handfuls of her red hair and screamed like a banshee.
Oh, this was a long time coming.
“Yeah, and I’m sure Remington is going to love finding out you betrayed him and his wife. That you’re the reason his child is dead.”
Artemis stared at her.
“Prove it.”
Oh, well…
She opened a CIA file.
Then, read it to her.
“March fourteenth, a week after Remington finds his family, you submitted your top-secret report to your handler, Bob. He was head of the CIA, and I’m going to say you used sex with him to get what you wanted. You wanted Remington, and he did NOT want you.”
She blinked.
“Let me finish. It says, and I quote…‘the operative’s cover was blown, according to specifications, and El Gato was given the intel. We will continue to do business with El Gato to advance US interests in cartel territory’.”
Artemis crossed her arms.
“What are you going to do, LaRue? Play CIA? Are you going to meddle in CIA jobs that are our business? It’s not your choice about Alexsandr coming here. The CIA works within its own interests.”
Yeah, not happening.
“Nope. I’m letting THE PRESIDENT handle it. You know, the big guy who now knows that Bob was dirty, and you were blackmailing him. You can’t leave the country. You’re now on every watchlist.”
Artemis needed a way out.
She had to get out.
“Are you going to kill my mother?” she asked, trying to distract her.
That amused her.