Page 6 of Abduction
They had their fun because how often were they going to have that much entertainment with a pretty college student home on break?
Not often.
In fact, she gave them the time of their lives.
It had all been part of the plan too. The lawyer had been forced to listen to her screams, her begging, and her torture at the hands of a bunch of mercenaries.
In the end, she’d begged for death, and they gave her that. It was always fun fucking someone to death.
As for dear old lawyer daddy…
It did what needed to be done.
He caved, owned up to his sins, and before he knew it, he also was used how they saw fit.
He screamed, begged, and had the same fate as his hot daughter, the college co-ed.
Torturing him had been far more entertaining.
That had been damn sure.
When the truth had been set free, then, and only then, was the man given peace. They slit his throat, dumped his remains, and moved onto the next target.
There were three on the list, and the first had been fun. Now, they were on the second set.
Oh, and this was going to be a challenge.
But no worries.
He loved a challenge.
This took a few days of prep work, and a mercenary was only as good as his ability to set up the perfect crime.
So, they were watching, waiting, and preparing for the grab.
They knew the man was working late, and they knew that his sexy wife was going to be getting a ride home with him.
That meant they were going to have some fun if they managed to take him.
Why was he so difficult?
He was a cop.
Normally, it was hands-off of any cops because Mikey O’ protected the good ones.
The bad ones…well, they’d been weeded out.
This man was a problem for a couple reasons, but more importantly, the boss wanted him to stop rooting out the bad cops that were left.
There weren’t many.
Hopefully, this man, Jonathan Denmark, would be as easy to break as the last man, William Deveraux.