Page 30 of There I Find Rest
Checking her watch, she had more than three hours until she was scheduled to meet with Davis to tour the stable and the old barn that sat back on the hill. She wasn’t even sure whether that was in any shape to be used, although if it was, it would be a great place to store hay.
Regardless, she turned back to the bar where she’d left her coffee, when she heard gravel crunching and looked out the window. Her heart dropped. It was Todd.
Chapter 13
Was it terrible thatupon seeing her ex-husband, Kim’s first impulse was to hide?
Impossible to do with all the windows in the cottage, but even if it were possible, she hoped she would have resisted the urge. She needed to face her demons and fight her battles.
Lord, help. Please.
She didn’t even know what she needed help with. Who knew what he wanted. But the fact that he’d come the whole way to Strawberry Sands did not bode well.
Their divorce was final; he was already remarried and had a child.
He can’t hurt you. He has no attachments to you whatsoever. Relax.
Just before he closed the door of his car, the thought ran through her mind that he might be there to see Davis. After all, they were partners. Or had been. Davis had said that he was cutting ties with her ex. Maybe she should have inquired a little bit more deeply. After all, did she really want to be doing business with Davis, or at least allowing him to help her, allowing him to live on her property, when he was still involved with her ex?
She really probably couldn’t get him off of her property. He’d signed the lease. He said he had it. She didn’t know exactly what those things entailed, but she already felt guilty that he moved out of the house. She certainly couldn’t kick him off the property, so maybe she would have to put up with her ex.
But Todd turned toward the house.
Maybe he didn’t realize that Davis had moved into the stable.
For some reason, Kim didn’t want him to know either.
But she wasn’t going to lie, although she wasn’t going to volunteer the truth. Todd had no right to know anything about her.
She waited until he knocked before she moved the rest of the way to the door to answer. He was smirking, like he knew she’d been standing there like a deer caught in headlights.
“Todd,” she greeted him, knowing that as a Christian she should summon up a “good morning,” but just couldn’t.
Todd, charming as always, and handsome as sin, with his dark eyes and wavy hair that parted on the side and brushed across his forehead, smiled his flirtatious smile at her. It disarmed her. Why was he being so nice?
“Good morning, Kim. What a beautiful morning, and you’re looking fantastic as always.”