Page 45 of There I Find Rest
He said the same things over and over again, but at least when he was praying, he was doing something, which was better than doing nothing. But after a while, his position, or just the ability to talk to the Almighty, calmed his soul to the point where he could speak in rational sentences, but he never stopped praying.
He was still in the position when the door opened. He looked behind him to see a man in scrubs, a blue cap on his head and a mask over his face, walk in.
“You’re with Kim?” the man asked.
“Yes,” Davis said, getting to his feet and walking to the doctor.
He didn’t want to attack the man, but he wanted information, and he wanted it right away.
“I’m Dr. Walters. Kim delivered a very small baby girl by C-section. The baby looks healthy, other than being just two pounds fourteen ounces. We took her immediately to the NICU, and the team there is assessing her. She’ll most likely be on a respirator. I think around seventy percent of babies at twenty-eight weeks gestation need some type of breathing help. It might just be a CPAP machine, but that would be the best-case scenario.”
The doctor paused.
Davis said, “How is Kim?”
“She’s just waking up. We had to put her completely out, so it’s going to be a bit until she’s awake. Once she gets wheeled into recovery, you’ll be able to go back. You’ll need to scrub up in order to go to the NICU, and there’ll be someone in to help you with that in a bit.”
“So the baby’s fine, and Kim’s fine, too?” He just needed to make sure that he heard all that correctly. He wasn’t sure that there was anything else that he really needed to know right now.
“That’s right.”
“Is the prognosis good for both of them?”
“The prognosis is excellent for Kim. I’m not quite sure what caused the premature labor, but we’ll keep an eye on her for a day or two. Just to make sure there’s nothing else going on. The baby... She has a really good chance. Something like a ninety percent survival rate. The team from the NICU will be able to fill you in on all the details.”
“All right. I appreciate it.”
The doctor nodded his head, and then he said, “Is there anything else you need to know?”
Davis shook his head. Those were all the pertinent questions. Anything else could wait.
He just needed to know that Kim was going to be okay. The baby of course was important too, but the idea of losing Kim did something crazy to his insides. He couldn’t stand the idea that she might be gone forever.
But if she was, he supposed he would have to deal with it. After all, whatever God chose to give him, whatever trial he had, he needed to walk through with faith.
Still, as the doctor left, he sent prayers of thanks. Thanks for the good news so far before he began praying for their complete and total recovery.