Page 54 of There I Find Rest
She remembered what Davis said about how much her land was worth, and she had to believe that that was probably the only reason Todd was talking to her now. She couldn’t imagine anything else. Even when they were married, he hadn’t wanted to go out with her.
“If you’d like to come see me in the hospital, you may. But no thank you on the dinner. I... I just don’t have time.”
“You have all the time in the world. What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to spend it with my daughter.”
“You can’t be serious. You’re just going to sit and look at a baby all day? Come on. You can spare a couple of hours to go out with me. And you’re not going to sleep there anyway.” He paused. “Is Davis there? Is that why you don’t want to go with me?” He didn’t give her a chance to answer but continued. “You know,” he lowered his voice, “Davis is probably just after your land. I didn’t want to tell you this while he was there the other day, but your property is worth a good bit of money. A couple hundred thousand dollars probably, and I bet Davis has his eye on it.”
So he did know. And he vastly underestimated the value of her property. On purpose most likely.
She would trust Davis a long time before she would trust Todd, who had lied to her over and over again, while Davis had been nothing but considerate and completely honest.
“Thanks for letting me know. I’m sure you only have my best interest at heart.” Somehow she managed to keep any trace of sarcasm out of her voice, even though she really wanted to be mean about it. Maybe he really did care about her in his own way. She highly doubted it, but she supposed she should at least try to give him the benefit of the doubt.
“Now if you don’t mind, I’m kind of tired and my lunch is getting cold.”
“Kim. Come on. Don’t do this. Not after all the time we shared together. Surely that means something to you.”
She managed not to snort. What time they’d spent together? She spent most of their marriage alone. She didn’t want to think about all the time she’d been married but alone.
Still, God had been so good to her. Kind of funny that was what she was thinking as her daughter was in the NICU, but her conversation with Davis had really opened her eyes. Not just about how she should respond to her daughter and her issues and not consider questioning God, but questioning herself and what she should be doing, but also opening her eyes to how she treated people, and whether or not she was acting the way Jesus wanted her to. After all, if she was doing that, she would be very, very different from the rest of the world.
Not that she expected perfection in herself. She was never going to be that. But she could try to keep her eyes on Jesus and try to consider how she treated others, instead of being focused on how they treated her. That was certainly the way she focused when she was around Todd, easy to do with all the things that he had done to her that had hurt her and made her cry. That he’d destroyed her hopes and dreams and left her to rebuild her life alone, just when they should be settling back and enjoying their empty nest together.
God probably had some lessons for her in that too, if she’d only open her eyes long enough to see them.
But she really didn’t know what to say to Todd. There was no going back. They were divorced, and that was final.
“Todd, we do have history together, but you chose to leave our marriage. And this is just the way it goes when you make a choice like that. I don’t want to be mean, I don’t want to be unkind, but there’s never going to be anything between us. The divorce is final.” She took a breath and heard him do the same, knowing he was going to argue with her. “Goodbye.”
She swiped off before he could say something else. Technically, she supposed he could say she hung up on him, but she didn’t do it to be unkind, she just did it so she didn’t have to listen to him anymore. He wasn’t taking her no for an answer, and as she thought about it, he never had. Never paid attention to what she said. He only paid attention to what he wanted.
Shoving those thoughts out of her head, she said a small prayer of thanks for her food and started eating.
Chapter 21