Page 56 of There I Find Rest
He felt like a pincushion at times and definitely overprotected. He didn’t need all those jabs.
“Whatever. Rich Boy. You probably have so many shots you could give me a drop of your blood and I’d be immune to everything for the rest of my life.”
“I can hardly give you a drop of my blood when you’re hiding behind the bushes. Get out here like a normal person.”
“Yeah. So you can tell Mommy and Daddy and they can come cart me off. No thanks. Just look the other way, and I’ll be gone.”
“You hungry?” he asked, saying the only thing he could think to say. He was hungry. He had just been thinking about sneaking off to the kitchen before he’d heard the noise.
“No.” The answer was short and belligerent. It was obviously meant to be a yes, but no was what their situation required.
“You come inside with me, and I’ll take you to the kitchen. You eat with me, and I’ll make sure you get out of here with no one seeing.” This would be his entertainment for the afternoon. It might be fun to try to hide this from his parents and the gardener and the stable hands.
“I know a trap when I hear one, Rich Boy. I’m gonna make a run for it. I’m warning ya, you don’t want to tangle with me. I bite. Hard. I know how to draw blood. And I know where to kick you where it hurts.”
He didn’t doubt it. She looked half feral. Very, very interesting.
“Where you from anyway?”
“From a nice little house downtown with a white picket fence, with a mom and dad who will be very upset if they’re inconvenienced by having to deal with the police.”
He bet. “You’re a liar.”
“You’re a jerk.”
“I offered you something to eat, offered to help you get out undetected, I don’t understand how that makes me a jerk.” He was a little offended. After all, he hadn’t been anything but nice to the little twerp.
He’d barely gotten the words out when a red flash popped out of the bushes and took off alongside the house. He took three steps forward, grabbing her around the waist. Luckily, he had pinned her arms to her sides, because her feet kicked out, and she really did try to bite him.
“Don’t bite me, you little brat,” he said. She was smaller than he expected. But tough. Stringy small. Like she didn’t get much to eat but did a lot of running or exercise or something anyway.
Of course, what did he know about girls? Especially girls this size. He knew the girls his own age were very, very interesting. A little twerp like this was more of an inconvenience. Except, he had nothing else to do.
“I won’t if you let me go,” she shouted in a whisper, still struggling, more frantically, the longer he held her.
“I’ll feed you first, you little brat, although I don’t know why. If you bite me, I’ll probably lock you in the pantry for a couple of days, until your parents start looking for you. They’ll be pretty upset to find you there.”
“Good luck with that,” she said, and he wasn’t quite sure what she meant.
“Good luck with what?” he asked, pressing her as tight to him as he could, trying to get control of her legs.
“Nothing,” she muttered, still struggling.
“Settle down,” he said sharply.
“Let me go!”
“I’m going to feed you first, if I have to shove the food down your throat. You weigh about twenty pounds.”
“I’ll bite you.”
“That’s an idle threat. Third time, and so far, I don’t have a single tooth mark on me.” He probably shouldn’t be tempting fate, because it wasn’t like the little brat hadn’t tried to bite at least sixteen times. “Stop struggling. I don’t want you to hit anything when I walk in. My parents are here, and we’ll both be in trouble.”
“Your little rich boy butt will be in trouble, not me. Why don’t you just let me go. You don’t know what you’re messing with.”
“I know. I know. I’m messing with a wild, feral, ferocious animal that has rabies and who knows what all else, that you’re going to transmit to me whenever you bite, but if you’re lucky enough to break my skin and actually get a little bit of my blood, you’ll get all of the immunization antibodies my rich boy butt has gotten over the years, so you’ll be set for life. Now I know why you want to bite me.”
“That’s not how you get immunity,” the girl spat out, and he grinned.