Page 72 of There I Find Rest
“Are you okay? I was coming right back in. I didn’t want to make you walk the whole way out here.”
“I’m fine. It hardly hurts at all anymore. And, I’d like to build my strength back up. I don’t get the opportunity to do that when I’m sitting in the NICU with Kathleen.”
“True, but I still don’t want you to overdo it.”
“I won’t. Not from just walking out to the stable,” Kim said, a smile in her voice.
Matt watched the two of them, and remembered that the folks in town had said that they weren’t married. In his opinion they should be. They both were obviously quite fond of each other. More than fond it seemed like. He actually wouldn’t mind having a woman look at him the way Kim looked at Davis. But, he’d already messed things up once in his life, and now his daughter had two homes she had to toggle back and forth between. That wasn’t the way he wanted to raise his child, and he didn’t want to make a mistake like that again.
Plus, how hard did a man have to look in order to find a woman who was interested in his welfare, and not just in his wallet? Who would look at him the way Kim was looking at Davis? So far in his thirty-some years of living, he hadn’t found anyone like that, and he figured that the odds were probably pretty high that he wasn’t going to.
“Give me a call if you need anything, I’ll be bringing another load of hay in a couple of days. We’re pretty booked up right now, but summer weekends are always busy.” He walked up to the two of them, nodded his head at Kim and said, “Ma’am. Hope you’re feeling better, and the baby too.”
“Thanks,” she glanced at him with a small smile, while her hand came up and landed on Davis’s arm, where her fingers curled around his bicep.
Davis’s hand came up and covered hers, while he gave Matt a nod.
“Thanks, man.”
Matt nodded and walked away, lifting his hat and running a hand through his hair, before he got in his pickup.
He was grateful to have such great neighbors. He really hoped things worked out between them, because it was pretty obvious to him that the two of them belonged together.
Chapter 27
“Ican’t believe it’sbeen six weeks!” Kristin said as she put a bite of salad in her mouth. Salad wasn’t exactly the Strawberry Sands diner’s specialty, but every once in a while, she tried to be healthy. Maybe it was something about her friend being in the hospital.
Kim nodded. “I’m able to hold her now. I can’t believe how much she’s grown. But honestly, just being able to touch her has been such a blessing. It was so hard in the beginning when all I could do was look at her and put a finger on her hand once in a while.” She shivered.
Kristin had to hand it to Kim, she’d gone through the whole trial with so much beauty and grace, Kristin was almost jealous of the peace that seemed to radiate off of Kim.
“I can’t wait to meet her. We’ve seen so many pictures, and I feel like I know her, but it’ll be really sweet to actually be able to see her and to touch her,” Heidi said, smiling at Kristin.
After Kim had had her baby, the folks in Strawberry Sands had gotten together, not just to help her, but to befriend her, since she was new in town.
Heidi owned the bookstore and souvenir shop, and along with Kristin, they had a weekly date with Kim on Wednesday nights. They hadn’t really planned for it to be a weekly thing when they first asked her if they could take her out to eat on a particularly hard Wednesday when Davis had come into the diner and asked Griff and Charlotte to pray for Kim and Kathleen.