Page 77 of There I Find Rest
But then she stopped thinking, and just focused on kissing him back.
“Ithink we should havea party.”
Davis sat on the back deck, the full moon shining off a smooth-as-silk Lake Michigan, the night breeze gently drifting off the water and the woman he loved snuggled in his arms. He couldn’t think of how he could be happier.
“A party?” he repeated, although he knew he’d heard her just fine. He wasn’t really thinking about a party. He was thinking more about a wedding. He’d just asked her to marry him the day before, but with getting Kathleen settled and making sure everything was going to go well with her, and of course Bev and Bill had stopped in to visit - which Davis was happy about. It made Kim happy to see her parents, happy to know that they loved and cared for her. But with all that, they’d not talked much about a date. It couldn’t be soon enough for him.
“To celebrate our wedding. Well, maybe to celebrate bringing Kathleen home, too. It’s been a long journey.”
“It sure has.” He couldn’t agree more. “ you think we should get married before we plan a party to celebrate our marriage?”
She chuckled softly, the sound sweet and beautiful on the night air. “We need to fix that.”
“Us not being married?”
“Yes. Don’t you think so?”
“I do.” Boy, did he ever.
“Today, Kathleen’s first day home from the hospital went pretty well. What do you say we take her for her first car ride and go to the courthouse tomorrow?”
“I say let’s do it.”
She turned her head slightly and kissed the side of his neck. “You are a very reasonable man.”
“I’m a man who’s in love with a very amazing woman. A man who can’t believe his good fortune, but wants to enjoy whatever God throws his way.”
She sighed. “Did you see the look on Bill’s face when I called him ‘Dad’ today?”
“It was even more surprised than Bev’s look when you called her ‘Mom.’”
“After the way they helped us, after all they’ve done, after they’ve supported me, called and texted and just sat with me when I needed someone to lean on, how could I not embrace them? I just wasn’t sure how they’d feel about it, and...I was afraid to ask. I honestly hadn’t even meant to say it, but it just felt right. Is that crazy?”
“No. I don’t think so at all. Bill and Bev have stepped up and been the best parents you could ever ask for. It’s obvious they love you and they love Kathleen, too.”