Page 38 of Joint Custody
So when he responded with “she’s an adult” after I was trying to remind him that despite the fact that I knew all that, I didn’t care how old she was, she was still my kid sister, I freaked out because I knew that for him, one criteria was already met. Plus, I wasn’t stupid, I saw the way she looked at him at the party. I was just glad he didn’t seem to notice and got out of there. It was fine if she had a crush. I could admit that he was a good-looking dude, but I also knew him.
I got a flashback to my ex and him, they were both adults and she was for sure willing. He didn’t waste any time getting in there. But she was just one of the many women I’d seen go crazy over this man, and when I said crazy, I meant crazy. So many women in college who thought they were in a relationship with him, only to find out that he was messing around with anyone at the time who was interested in him. Some of them dropped out of college due to the heartbreak of losing him, and he didn’t give a shit. Didn’t seem to show a drop of remorse once.
Anthony had some great qualities but valuing a woman for more than sex was not one of them, and I didn’t want my sister getting caught up in that. So I hoped he was telling the truth because if our friendship didn’t matter to him so much that he would dare to touch my sister, our friendship wouldn’t matter when I dared to touch him with a fist so hard the only thing he’d be kissing would be the floor.
Tonight I wanted to celebrate Tiffany, once again, sure. But yesterday it was her graduation party and today was an employment celebration. I wasn’t going to let anything ruin it, and since my mind was too foggy to think straight, I’d take Anthony at his word for now and hope that he meant it. Nevertheless, as I stared at my sister, bogged down with the work Jared piled on her, knowing they had a rocky start, I figured I’d solve two problems at once.
The first problem was to keep Jared from taking advantage of her readiness to work here. I wanted them to find some common ground and find a way to work together. That would also get rid of the second problem: having her turn to Anthony for help when she was overwhelmed. If Anthony hadn’t made his move yet, I didn’t want to give him more opportunities to do it.
I also knew within the first few months of leaving law school and working as an associate before I quit, I needed a mentor. At the time, Mom and Dad were kind of like my mentors. I left their law firm and chose to work with Jared when he needed me, but when I decided to leave law, everyone at their firm seemed to find joy in my parents’ disappointment. They had it to say that if I’d earned my place instead of getting there due to nepotism, then I’d appreciate it more and wouldn’t have let my parents down.
My parents hadn’t forgiven me for that and decided to be different with Tiffany, getting her all the contacts she’d need but refusing to have her work at their firm until she’d proven herself on her own. They’d still be willing to mentor her, but from experience, having your parents as acting mentors could be a lot less helpful than you’d imagine.
“Look, Tiffany, that was out of line. I hope I didn’t embarrass you,” I said, apologizing for my outburst with Anthony earlier. “It’s just that I worry, you know. I know you’re not a kid anymore and you can take care of yourself, but I know Anthony, and trust me, as much as I love him like a brother,” I said, turning to Anthony. I meant it. I did see him as kind of a brother. All of them were like brothers to me. That added another layer of weirdness to thinking about him and her. But this time, I said it, hoping to communicate that level of weirdness to Anthony as he looked at me. “. . . he’s a heartbreaker. I’ve seen him. He’s smooth but he’s made a lot of women cry. I don’t want that to be you, that’s all.” I shrugged, speaking loud enough for Anthony to hear.
He came across and sat next to me. “You don’t have anything to worry about. I was just helping her out with work, right?” he asked her.
She nodded. “Yeah, but that was uncalled for Chris. I know these are your friends, but I also have to work with them,” she said, looking at Jared. “I don’t need you to come around here, treating me like a kid and giving certain people more reasons to think less of me.”
She was furious. And she was hurt. That hurt me. Guilt punched me in my gut, and I reached for her hand. “I’m sorry. I’m being a control freak like Mom, aren’t I?”
She rolled her eyes and nodded, but she didn’t pull her hand away. I knew I was but also knew from the way she was looking at him at the party, that she fulfilled the second of his criteria. I could see it even now as she glanced toward him a few times. She liked him, and it wouldn’t take long for him to work his charm on her.
Tiffany was a special breed though, right? Just because he charmed her and she liked him, it didn’t mean she’d sleep with him, would she? I should’ve backed off, but I just wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I’d let one of my best friends break her heart. So I found a way to work the whole mentorship thing in the conversation.
“Congratulations, though, on being employed. I didn’t know I should’ve brought orange juice so you’d have something to cheer with.” I smiled at her and cringed when I replayed what I said. I hoped she didn’t think that I said that because I was still referring to her as a kid, but she grinned and I sighed in relief. Good, okay. Well, she didn’t hate me.
“And Jared, thanks for giving her a shot,” I said, tipping my glass toward him. He shot Tiffany a look and the smile he gave me was forced and faked. I didn’t know what was going on but it seemed the tension behind them was worse than I thought.
“What’s up with you two?” I asked. “I know being a hard ass is your personality, Jared, but what is up with you and my little sister? I mean, she’s sweet and hardworking. What’s got you looking like you got a stick up your ass?” I asked him.
He tipped his glass in my direction. “You really are siblings,” he said.
“Huh? What does that mean?” I asked, brows lowered in confusion.
“Nothing.” He drank from his glass, and I turned toward Tiffany who was holding her head low, pressing at her temples.
“Okay, here’s what I think. And don’t worry, you can reject it, Tiffany. Not trying to control you here,” I said, knowing I was lying.
I was making the suggestion as my last-ditch attempt to not give her a need to be around Anthony, alone, late at night in his office like this. “I just think you could use some help. It’s helpful for every associate lawyer to have a mentor who can teach them the ropes and Jared is the type of lawyer who strives to win. He’s got a solid determination and passion that feeds into all areas of his life, including his job. It’s that passion that makes him so dedicated. And you, Tiffany, you’re also filled with passion. It’s your passion that drives your integrity, your desire to learn and grow. I think you guys have a lot more in common than you realize. And I think he’d be the perfect fit as your mentor.”
Tiffany’s mouth dropped open and her pupils jumped in fright. Jared looked at me like he wanted to throw me out of the window.
“Come on, guys. I think if you got to work with each other, then, Jared, maybe you’d get to appreciate what she brings to the table. Maybe start to see her as an asset. And you, Tiffany, will learn to see the Jared we all love, hiding beneath his stone-cold armor, plus you’ll have someone to turn to when you need help,” I suggested, hoping that if they thought about it, they’d soften to the idea of it. But as they both turned their heads away from each other, I could feel that my idea might be a sinking ship.
Chapter 28
Iwouldhaveratherbeen run over by a car than be subjected to Jared as my mentor. But I was trying to hold back from directing verbal venom toward him as my boss, so I wouldn’t say that, even though it was on the tip of my tongue. I glared at Chris. If I was a cartoon character, fire would be shooting out of the pores of my skin right now. I wouldn’t want any of Jared’s “lawyering skills” rubbing off on me.
Why would I want to be mentored by a lawyer who had the personality of a brick wall, who was super possessive of what was his, like he was a little child fuming over another kid who had borrowed his toys?
He walked with his shoulders and body so tense as if he was on the verge of exploding all the time and didn’t know how to be a charismatic person who made other people feel good around him. No, thank you. I didn’t need Jared turning me into some shell of myself by the end of my time working here. I already feared it happening just by being touched by his very existence.
It was funny with what Chris was trying to do because Anthony would be the perfect mentor. A lawyer who didn’t take himself too seriously, had charisma for days, and was disarming. I bet in a courtroom he was underestimated, not viewed as a threat until he whipped them with his exceptional capabilities.
I tried not to smile at Anthony as I thought about what else he was exceptionally capable of doing. He knew how to have fun outside of work, made people feel good around him, and I wasn’t talking about the sex. Oh, he made me feel more than just “good” around him, he made me soar with him inside me. Okay, this was not the time and place for my nipples to be too tender for my bra.