Page 50 of Joint Custody
I was so slick and stretched, it felt like his key found the perfect hole.
“Oh, hell.” He trembled before he started to move. He wasn’t tender and loving. He was hungry and reckless; and I was loving it. It was like he was the final puzzle piece that made this whole thing make sense. All three of them together completed the puzzle. He hit a spot that was his to hit, and I clutched onto his shoulders, biting down on them as the pleasure built so high it was impossible to come down from.
I screamed in delight before his lips crashed down on mine. “Shut the fuck up,” he whispered, and I had another orgasm, shaking so hard, my body was growing exhausted, but he was still going, and I did not want him to stop. Not when his dick managed to revitalize me once again.
I looked for Mario and Anthony who were no longer behind him only to feel their breaths on either side of my neck. As I turned my head, my lips locked onto Anthony’s as Jared continued to drill me. I felt Mario’s hand come around my nipples, tugging on them and massaging my breasts. He was hard again, though he’d already reached his climax.
“My turn,” Anthony said, exchanging a look with Jared. “You interrupted my flow when you burst in here,” he said. “What do you say, Tiff? Do you want me in you?” he whispered against my lips.
I looked between him and Jared. “Oh.” I shuddered. “Is there any way I can have you both in me at the same time?” I asked.
Anthony grinned. “Oh, I just love how adventurous you are. Yes, there is but Mario was right. You’re gonna need some time before you get to that level,” he said. “Right now, I want to be inside you so hard, so fast, I can’t wait until you’re stretched out.” He spoke against my neck.
I bit my lip, nodding. “Yes, please,” I gasped as Jared pulled himself out of me and Anthony slipped inside within a second.
“Oh, shit,” he said, slapping his balls against my vulva as the ache of his imminent release crumpled his face. “Fuck.” His hips went crazy as he held me, and I wrapped my legs around him so that he could go even deeper. My eyes rolled over in my head as I felt the warmth of him against his condom turn up the temperature inside me.
As if his orgasm sent out a call to the other guys, Jared threw himself inside me again at my consent, bending me over as he filled me with his semen after which Mario followed with renewed stamina. He took me from behind, holding on to my breasts with one hand, working my clit with the other as he pressed his dick inside me and kissed my neck. Oh, shit, each of his strokes sent shivers through my body. I felt tears come to my eyes with how good he felt. He took his time building me up before drilling me. We both came at the same time, as I felt his cum and my juices leaking down my leg.
Mm. I was going to need a long rest of sleep after this.
Chapter 38
Mychestwassotight, I forgot how to breathe. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t take full breaths. My head ached and my stomach burned with the need to throw up from anxiety. I had severe heartburn as I pulled at my tie, trying to keep it from strangling me. I had freshened up and returned to my office. All while I was doing that, I was trying to keep myself from giving anything away, trying to appear as though it were just a normal day, but it wasn’t just a normal day.
By the time I’d dodged the confused looks on the faces of the associates as we exited the file room, one by one, and the look from my assistant when she noticed that I left for the day and returned in a fresh suit, I was unable to sit still in the “security” of my office. Not when the glass walls would allow everyone to see how much I was sweating. I told Melissa that I’d spilled something on my suit and went home for a quick change. She seemed to buy it, or at least I hoped that she did. Chris used to work here, and I couldn’t risk any of this getting back to him.
Oh, shitty shit, shit! I took a deep breath and spun in my chair so that I was facing the window and could hide a little bit as I fisted my hands and pounded my lap. What the hell was I thinking? What the hell werewethinking? I mean, how could Anthony and Mario do that to Chris? How could I? I rubbed my forehead with force as if doing so could push the memory of her moans out of my head, the pictures of her face as she came. I exhaled again, swiping my hand over my mouth. This couldn’t happen again. No matter how much I wanted it to. And oh, I wanted it to, so bad. I wanted to pull her away and have her all to myself for a night or two, as irritating as she was.
Damn it, Tiffany Levine came into my life and shook everything up. I was quite content. And she had to come in and cause a mess. I’d done without sex before, I could do without it again. If I couldn’t, perhaps this moment caused me to slip because I’d been denying myself for too long. Lesson learned. I’d find someone else to satisfy these urges because from now on, things between Tiffany and me needed to remain professional.
Oh, who was I kidding? I was avoiding seeing her after she made me come so hard, I saw fucking stars afterward. If I saw her again, I wouldn’t be able to control my body’s reaction to her. I’d need to put myself in her, and if she let me, I’d do it again. And again. She’d just given me some gift that I didn’t know I needed but now couldn’t live without. At least, that’s what it felt like in that room with her.
Ah, she was so fucking frustrating! She made me doubt I was the man I always thought I was, and I didn’t want to doubt that anymore, but with her around here, it was only a matter of time till I messed up again, slipped myself inside her. Gripping the handle of my chair, I thought about how smooth it was to enter her. How easily she accepted me. How soft, warm, and wet she was. How much she made it hard to resist her even though I tried, I genuinely fucking tried. Oh, how the sensations quickly shifted from my super sensitive tip, shocking the shit out of my shaft as I tried to hold it together, chasing the thrill that kept toying with me. Ah, damn. Fuck, I already wanted her again, right now, in this office, on this chair. This couldn’t work out.
There was no way Tiffany and I could continue to work under the same roof together, although this time I had more of an incentive to keep her here. But that would be only for my benefit . . . and hers, if this wasn’t just a one-time thing for her. There my mind went again, hoping that she’d want more when I couldn’t have more. It was not an option. It couldn’t be on the table. The decision was clear. I’d have to fire her. I’d have to fire her because she tested my self-control. Because she revealed the sides of myself to me I’d rather not admit to.
I was so close to saying, fuck it. There was no harm or foul in two consenting adults having a bit of fun. I was so close to taking the risk and deciding to hide it from Chris. That’s what I was talking about when I said she exposed me to my own reflection, and damn it to hell, I wasn’t going to give into the traitorous part of myself. Because even if I had to hold on to it by a thread, I was still a man of dignity and integrity. I still honored and respected my best friend, and I knew he would not approve. Family was off-limits. It was never said but it was certainly implied. We were too old for bro codes, so it was more like a code of honor.
So, the decision was clear. Tiffany had to leave. I had to fire her. Because my dignity and integrity would not suffice for too long around the woman whose center embraced me with such warmth, I wanted to live inside of it. The woman who frustrated me so much, our hatred for each other fired me up. If she stayed willing and stayed here, one day, very soon, I would toss that integrity out the door for another moment with her. I was already thinking about doing so within the next few hours.
Yeah, she had to leave, and she had to leave now. This time, I had reasonable grounds on which to fire her. I pressed a crooked finger against my lips as I made the decision, clearing my throat against the need in my body, already feeling relief from the aching desire at the thought of letting her go.
I could’ve asked my assistant to make the call, but the phone stared back at me with the temptation of hearing her voice as I reached for it.
“Hello, Crawford & Beam, you’re speaking with Tiffany Levine, Associate Lawyer, how may I assist?” she answered.
I tried not to react to her hoarseness no doubt due to the screams and moans of pleasure that put pressure on it earlier. “Ms. Levine . . .” I started and I heard her gasp.
Shit. Fuck. The thought of her having that kind of reaction to my voice was something I never thought about before, and now it made me want to throw away my decision and plead with her for her company again. I took a deep breath, hoping to clear away the husk that settled in my throat.
I failed. “I’m going to need you to come to my office, right away. It’s urgent,” I said.
“Is it now?” she asked, and I hissed. “How bad do you need me to come?” she whispered, and I shook.
I was sure she could hear my tremorous breathing over the phone as she giggled. Damn it, Tiffany.