Page 13 of Next in Line
“As stubborn as ever,” Aiden replied. “His health serves him well and his body resembles more one of a forty-year-old than seventy.”
Angelo chuckled. “I’m not one bit surprised to hear that. What about your mother? Is she as lovely as ever?”
Aiden smiled, the emotion in his shining eyes showing the amount of love he had for her. “Even more. I swear she’s getting more beautiful with every year.”
Angelo’s eyes momentarily blurred as he took a sip of wine, seemingly lost in a memory. “I have no problem believing you. Back in the day, I tried getting her attention, but she would have none of it. I suppose I was too late because she was already head over heels over your father,” he said with a sad voice, then furrowed his brows and scratched his chin. “Although, I really don’t understand how she didn’t see me. I’m almost twenty years younger than her husband and I’m not too bad of a catch, don’t you think?”
To Sienna’s misfortune, Angelo’s eyes turned to her as he asked the question. She struggled to keep a sympathetic expression on her face as she nodded in understanding.
“You never got married?” Aiden asked, itching to change the subject away from his mother, but failed.
“I’ve never found a woman as perfect as your mother,” Angelo replied sadly with a shake of his head.
“I’m very sorry to hear that,” Sienna hurried to say before Aiden could doom them. “You know what they say, it’s never too late to find love.”
Angelo’s eyes fixated on her in a way that made her regret calling attention to herself. “What about you, dear? Are you looking for a husband? I might be older than you, but I can guarantee you that I can keep up with the youngest of them.”
Sienna choked on the wine and Brian helpfully patted her back, while Aiden snickered under his breath.
Sienna looked up at Angelo with tears in her eyes and searched for words to say that wouldn’t offend him.
“Apologies, the wine is stronger than I’m used to,” she excused herself, and Angelo nodded in sympathy.
“What about you, Aiden?” Yvonne asked, turning the tables onto him, saving Sienna a reply, even though she was sure Yvonne only did it to get some of the attention on her. “Do you have anyone special in your life?”
Aiden leaned back in his chair, making himself comfortable. He ran a hand through his dark brown curls, messing up his already messy hairstyle. The small smile on his face told Sienna that he was aware the affect this action had on women. It helped that his perfectly tailored suit highlighted his ripped body. With a start, Sienna realized that Yvonne wasn’t the only one drooling after the young Carrington heir.
“The Carrington code says that we’re free to look around and experiment with as many people as we want until we find the one. At the moment, I’m still in the pool and don’t wear a ring,” he replied with a wink.
Sienna kicked him under the table, and the only reaction that he felt the kick was a slight waver of his lips. He gave her a side-eye and she gestured with her brow toward Willie, who was glaring at Aiden with a death stare. Aiden swallowed as his expression turned neutral, realizing he was playing with fire. Yvonne was the wrong person to tease because her impression of power was just an illusion. Willie and Angelo were the ones in charge.
“What about you, Yvonne?” Sienna asked, daring the woman to tell the unspoken truth.
Yvonne’s mask stayed intact, and Sienna would’ve thought the woman didn’t hear her if she didn’t have a throbbing vein on her neck. Yvonne ignored her, not even bothering to look at her. Sienna couldn’t care less about it as she turned her attention to the Friedman that truly mattered.
“How’s business going? I suppose it feels good to take some time off and enjoy the holidays, doesn’t it?” Sienna asked Angelo and leaned forward, further exposing the low-cut neckline.
Angelo nodded, while keeping his eyes fixed on her boobs. “Nothing worth mentioning. Some people deposit their money in the bank, while others withdraw it. Then there are poor desperate souls who come asking for loans. It’s a never-ending cycle that never stops repeating itself. It can be a bit dull, so it’s nice to blow off some steam during the much-needed holidays.”
Sienna nodded, listening eagerly as if he was telling her the most interesting things.
“Speaking of,” Angelo continued and lifted his eyes to her face for the first time, “We’re having a yacht party tomorrow and you’re all invited as my special guests.”
“That sounds like a lot of fun. We’d love to come,” Sienna replied at the same time Aiden asked,
“Who’s coming?”
“Just a few of our closest friends,” Angelo replied with a shrug. “It will be a small gathering.”
“You should definitely come,” Yvonne replied and leaned forward to rest her hand on Aiden’s, rubbing him with her thumb.
Willie’s back stiffened, and he straightened in his chair. Aiden took a sip of his wine, using it as an excuse to remove his hand. Sienna’s eyes narrowed at Yvonne, and she decided to give her a taste of her own medicine.
“Will you be coming as well?” Sienna asked Willie with a sultry voice. “I would love to hear all about your work.”
Yvonne’s eyes snapped at Sienna, then she turned to Willie and gave him a possessive kiss on his lips, marking her territory. Sienna bit her lips to hold back a smile.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Willie replied with a ghost of a smile aimed at Sienna, surprising them all.