Page 16 of Next in Line
Aiden's lips turned up into a smile. He leaned forward, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Your wish is my command," he whispered into her ear.
The insinuation made her shiver, and she felt the growing wetness between her legs. She wanted him. She needed him. But not like that.
"I'll get you that champagne," he told her, picked up the glass she dropped and left.
Sienna stood alone at the front of the yacht, completely soaked in a way that had nothing to do with the never-ending sea around her. It was Aiden's fault, and he would pay for it. Besides, she had a promise to keep.
Despite being told to wait, Sienna returned to the deck. Party guests were mixing, enjoying the finger food and drinks. Laughter could be heard from more than one group and judging by their swaying that had nothing to do with the sea, Sienna was right to assume they were feeling the effects of alcohol.
Aiden came with a glass of champagne and that infuriatingly beautiful smile of his. As soon as he handed her the glass, he ran a hand through his hair. The casual movement made Sienna's gut clench in jealousy. She loved his silky dark curls, and his soulful grey eyes were the reason for the start of many storms that raged inside her. Her gaze slipped through his well-fitted suit and not for the first time, Sienna wished he was out of it. He was so much hotter wearing short pants and a tight gym shirt where not much was left to the imagination.
Sienna dipped her glass of champagne, emptying it in a way that didn't befit a lady, trying to forget the wetness leaking through her panties. She either needed a quick release or a cold awakening. Because they were on a yacht full of people, Sienna opted for the latter.
"Do you want to dance?" Aiden asked her.
He had his eyes only for her and appeared as if he didn't notice how the women were undressing him with their eyes. Dancing with him wasn't what she had in mind, but the wandering looks made her want to claim her territory. Aiden was hers.
"I would love to," she replied with a sultry voice, then took his hand.
His fingers were calloused from the endless exercise, but that didn't make his touch any less soft. His grip was gentle, yet the position of his body made it clear she was his as well. People could stare, but no one would touch. At this party, they belonged to each other.
Aiden's body started swaying in a light rhythm of the music. His hands rested on her waist, sliding lower and lower with every turn they made. Soon they would be on her ass and the anticipation of his touch was maddening.
Sienna wrapped her hands around his neck, pressing her body close to his, moving against his strong muscles. She rested her head on his shoulder, taking in his citrusy lemon smell. Despite being far away from home in the Hamptons, his arms made her feel as if she was at home. He represented safety, happiness, and calm.
The song ended and the next one began. Aiden didn't make any sign of letting go and she was content enough to keep on dancing to a few more songs. At last, Sienna managed to ignore the stares they received as the soft flow of a different song began.
Once it started, they circled each other while their gazes remained locked. It was as if they were the only ones there. Sienna's green eyes melting with Aiden's grey ones. Aiden put a hand on her back, Sienna put hers on his shoulder, and their free hands finally met again, the warmth of their skin mixing. Together, they danced to the music, their hearts perfectly in sync with the beat of the music that led their feet. As the song progressed, Sienna relaxed, and a small smile appeared on her lips. Aiden was amazing. His eyes were soulful and full of desire. It was all for her. He was irresistible, and Sienna was lucky to be here with him.
His body turned elegantly and in tune with the music. Despite his grace, he was a predator that shouldn't be underestimated. Sienna didn't care because she wasn't the prey, but even if she was, she would happily be ensnared in a trap made by such a magnificent beast. The warmth between them grew more powerful by the second as her heartbeat picked up the pace. The heat in their gazes was palpable and intoxicating. Their dance was hypnotizing as everything from their breathing to their moves stayed in sync.
Aiden guided her across the makeshift dance floor on the deck as if they were in a dream. His eyes stayed on hers, yet his feet didn't waver as he knew exactly where to take her. Every move seemed to be calculated and thought through. Nothing felt forced as they appeared to be floating.
That was when Sienna decided to open herself up and let him in. She forgot about the Remingtons, letting her worries, pain, and sadness go, deciding to stay in the moment. Right now, she was living. Aiden was the only one who mattered. He was fully in control of her as she let him take her anywhere he wanted. Their hearts beat as one, their feet moved in sync until the song ended and the applause filled their ears, breaking the spell. Sienna couldn't help but smile once more as they shyly faced the crowd, only now noticing how they gathered in a circle to watch. She curtsied as Aiden bowed and together, they left the dance floor, her cheeks burning red and her lungs out of breath.
"That was amazing," she whispered, and he smiled.
"There's more to me than meets the eye," he replied with a nonchalant wink, but she could tell that he was as affected as she was.
The breeze did nothing to help cool her down. Sienna still had a plan that she wanted to follow.
"I have an idea," she told Aiden and took his hand. "Come with me."
Without missing a beat, he followed her through the groups of guests. She refused to stop to talk to any of them but only took enough time to look toward Rachel, Claudia, and Monica. The women stared at her as Sienna's lips turned up into a wicked grin and she winked.
In her rush, Sienna jumped down two steps at a time, when the alcohol made her miscalculate the landing and she almost flew through the air but was yanked back by a set of strong arms. She found herself pressed against Aiden's chest, breathing heavily.
"Are you okay? What's up with the hurry?" he asked her, his hands running up and down her body as if making sure she was in one piece.
Sienna swallowed and nodded. The closeness to him made her heat grow and it was on the edge of boiling. She needed to cool down.
"Come on," she urged when she recovered, then grabbed his hand again and pulled him after her.
They reached the lower deck of the yacht, only two meters high from the sea. Sienna didn't stop to think about the consequences of her actions or the possible dangers of it. Her mind was focused on the promise that she had to keep, and her body on the need to cool down.
She led Aiden to the part of the yacht that had a little door for embarking and disembarking, then pretended to look at something in the sea.