Page 19 of Next in Line
“I’m sorry for interrupting.”
Sienna reluctantly pulled away from Aiden, then turned to Angelo. Conscious of the mission, she gave him her most graceful smile.
“You’re not interrupting anything,” she assured him, then stepped to him and put her hand on his shoulder, before continuing in a grave tone, “I’m the one that should apologize to you. I’ve got too caught up in this great party and wanted to go for a swim. I endangered and inconvenienced everyone on board. Please forgive me.”
Angelo used the opportunity to sneak his arms around her, pulling her into an uncomfortable hug. Because of his small stature, he buried his chubby face between her breasts. Sienna took a sharp breath, giving Aiden a begging look to help her. His lips were pressed into a thin line as he was fighting a smile and he only shrugged, making it clear she was responsible for her own misfortune.
After another second that seemed like it lasted forever, Angelo finally pulled his face away from her boobs. Even though he gave an impression of looking at her, his eyes often wandered too low for her liking.
“I’m just glad you’re okay. It would be a tragedy if something were to happen to you,” he told her in a calming tone, which turned serious as he continued with furrowed brows, “I wanted to talk to you two.”
Aiden and Sienna looked at each other, unsure of what would follow. Aiden took a small step closer to Sienna, protectively towering behind her. Angelo looked around as if to make sure no one was eavesdropping.
“I know you’re not here for pleasure. I saw you talking to my guests,” he accused.
“Angelo, we—” Sienna started, but stopped as he lifted his finger up to quiet her.
“I don’t want to hear any excuses,” he told them with a firm tone, then looked around again to confirm they were alone. “I want to hear what the Carringtons and the Lockwoods are offering to betray the Remingtons.”
He was talking in such a quiet voice that even Sienna had to strain her ears to hear him. It was a good sign that he was curious to hear them out.
“If you help us with our little problem, we promise not to touch any of your holdings when it comes to dealing with poverty. We’ll take the money and possessions from the ones who didn’t support us and through that we’ll make our city prosper. If you join the Carringtons, the Lockwoods and the Ryders, I can guarantee that your business will have plenty of benefits. We’re big and powerful families, and we won’t forget who our friends are, while the Remingtons are only one family,” Sienna said, matching his quiet tone.
Angelo scratched his balding head. His eyes glowed with calculation and Sienna had no doubt that he was weighing pros and cons in his mind. She held her breath as she studied his unreadable face.
“I want our bank to be the only bank that you use,” Angelo negotiated.
Aiden shook his head. “It would be irresponsible of us to keep our money only in our bank.”
Angelo’s eyes narrowed at the subtle insinuation that his bank might lose their money. Sienna grabbed Angelo’s arm, trying to get his attention back on her.
“How about when it comes to dealing in the city everything goes through your bank, but outside of the city, we’ll use whatever suits our needs more?” Sienna asked, trying to salvage the deal.
Angelo tilted his head to the side as he looked at her. Sienna rubbed his arm to distract him and get him on their side. She only realized she was holding her breath once he nodded, and her body relaxed.
“I can work with that,” he said and offered her his hand. “You can count on our support.”
Sienna shook his hand with excitement, thanked him and promised him that he wouldn’t be sorry. Angelo gave her a toothy smile, then looked around again.
“I better go before someone sees us,” he told them before making his way to the other deck to join his guests.
“I don’t understand why he’s so secretive about talking to us. It’s not like we wouldn’t be able to talk while staying in his house. That’s so stupid,” Sienna commented, then groaned when the whole air was sucked out of her as Aiden pulled her into a hug.
“You were amazing. You did it,” he told her and kissed her cheek.
For the first time since their trip began, Sienna allowed herself to stop thinking about what awaited them and focused on spending quality time with Aiden instead. They didn’t know what the future would bring, so they might as well at least try to enjoy the present.
With a genuine smile on her face, Sienna intertwined her fingers with Aiden’s and let him lead her back to the party.
Aidenmadeexcusestotheir hosts for not having dinner with them. It helped that their clothes were still wet from their improvised swim, as well as that their hosts were also tired from entertaining the whole yacht all day.
They found their way to Sienna’s room. She was anxious to freshen up after a long day.
“I’m going to take a shower,” she told Aiden.
“Now? Don’t you want to have a glass of wine first?”