Page 38 of Next in Line
“To the new era of peace and prosperity,” Jaxon toasted, lifting his cup of coffee.
“To the new era.”
“Peace and prosperity.”
Miruna and Sienna echoed, lifting their own cups, clinking them together. The brush of glazed ceramics against one another rang with the air of finality. Their trip to New York City was successful. It was time to go home to plan their next move.
Despite the quick and seemingly meaningless goodbye, Sienna got a feeling that Miruna was someone she could count on in the future. A small part of her regretted wasting time with the ridiculous jealousy instead of spending it getting to know her. The Vang heiress was a formidable woman, and Sienna knew that in the future she’d have to keep an eye out for her.
Without only the smallest of fuss from Jaxon’s side, a regular taxi was called to take them to the airport. He would’ve preferred a private driver, but Sienna couldn’t wait to go home. Brian refrained from stating his opinion, sulking in the silence in a way that didn’t suit him.
On the plane, Brian sat as far as he could from Sienna and Jaxon, further annoying her while Jaxon couldn’t care less about his behavior, although that didn’t stop her from complaining about her bodyguard to him.
“Who the fuck does he think he is? We fucked once and now he wants to be one of us. Is that it? If I had a penny for every nobody that I fucked, I’d be able to feed the army that would help us crush the Remingtons,” Sienna whispered-yelled at Jaxon, their heads huddled close, waiting for take-off.
Jaxon chuckled at her exaggeration. “Relax. It was a good fuck, and he doesn’t seem like a guy who’d go around often. It will take him a while to get over it, but he will. I’m sure of it. Before you know it, he’ll be back to being his normal invisible self.”
“You really think so?”
Jaxon patted her leg and nodded. “I do.”
Comforted by his words and confidence, Sienna managed a small smile, before leaning back into the chair, waiting for take-off.
“I can’t wait to be home,” she said, and she could hear Jaxon grunt in agreement. Then closed her eyes, determined to get some more rest before arriving home where Mr. Carrington would undoubtedly have more work lined up for her. It was exhausting but also her duty.
A voice brought her back as a set of hands lightly shook her shoulders. She forced her heavy with sleep eyes open and suppressed a yawn. Jaxon gazed at her with the closest thing to warmth she ever saw in him.
“We’ve landed,” he told her. “We’re almost home.”
With new-found energy, Sienna exited the plane. She was eager to see the rest of the Carrington heirs as well as Adrianna. Her friend’s absence, easy teasing, and good advice were notable. It felt good to be home.
Without bothering to take care of their baggage, letting the driver move it from the plane to the car, Brian was already sitting at the passenger’s side. Sienna clenched her fist in annoyance, but it was Jaxon who spoke up first.
“What do you think you’re doing, man?” Jaxon asked Brian with barely concealed anger.
Brian didn’t bother turning around or acknowledging him in any way, which angered Jaxon further.
“You’re not doing your duty. Do you want me to speak to my father about this?” Jaxon’s not-so-subtle threat came across clearly outlining what would happen to Brian.
Sienna’s bodyguard’s shoulders tensed and after a moment, he turned around to face them. “Please accept my apologies. I’ll take care of my part right away.”
The words were pushed out through gritted teeth, leaving Sienna unsatisfied, but Jaxon seemed happy enough. Brian exited the car before more could be said and helped the driver with the luggage.
Sienna had a bad feeling about the way things were, but the excitement at being home again managed to shake it off. A part of her was a bit disappointed that none of the other heirs came to wait for them when they landed, but she knew they were busy with their own assignments.
“Miss Ryder, Mr. Carrington, your presence is requested in the war room,” the servant told them, moments after they got out of the car.
“Right now?” Jaxon asked, annoyed at the humble homecoming. Knowing him, Sienna was sure he expected something more along the lines of a party, fireworks, and all the family waiting outside to greet them and thank them for doing their mission well.
“Is everything okay?” Sienna asked, worried at the sudden and urgent summoning.
The servant shrugged and shook his head. “I’m afraid I don’t know much about that. Please, they’re waiting for you.”
Jaxon and Sienna exchanged the shortest of looks before they went running to the war room, their minds conjuring up all the things that could’ve gone wrong. Not bothering to knock, Jaxon pushed the door open, and they both crashed into the room like unmannered savages.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Mr. Carrington asked reproachfully, narrowing his eyes at them.