Page 4 of Next in Line
Sienna sighed. “I’m not avoiding it. It’s just that I spent the last few weeks stuck in it under the pretense of recovery that now I can’t stand to see it.”
Adrianna walked to Sienna and lowered herself on her knees in front of her. A slight pressure on her chin made Sienna look up into Adrianna’s dark brown eyes. Adrianna let go of her chin and tucked one of her stray purple curls behind her ear.
“We’ve been through a lot in a very short amount of time. You even more than any of us,” Adrianna said with a soft voice. “It’s okay to ask for help when you need it. It’s also okay to ask for a break when your body needs it.”
Sienna shook her head and furrowed her brows. “I just need to keep moving and do my job so we can finally defeat the Remingtons. We’ll worry about my mental and physical health when that’s done.”
“It could be years until that happens, and by then you could be too damaged to heal.”
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
Sienna stood up and went to the door, but when she opened it, she jumped backward as she didn’t expect anyone standing there, much less with his hand lifted in a gesture to knock.
“Apologies for disturbing you,” he said with a smile on his face, and only now Sienna noticed his hazel eyes. “My name is Brian and I’ll be escorting you around on your duties.”
“Hi, Brian,” Adrianna cooed from inside the room.
Sienna’s new bodyguard tilted his head and gave her a polite smile, then returned his attention to Sienna and waited for her reply.
“Brian…” Sienna trailed off, trying to remember where she heard his name.
Her brows furrowed and she narrowed her eyes at him, taking in his military buzzcut and ripped body threatening to tear the suit in the same way that reminded her of someone else. Her eyes lit up with recognition.
“You’re Aiden’s martial arts teacher.”
Brian gave her a timid smile and scratched the back of his neck, his suit dangerously close to breaking with every movement he made. “I prefer the term Sensei, but please call me Brian. If you ever want to learn self-defense, I’m your guy. I can teach you a lot more than just how to break a nose.”
Sienna’s cheeks burned hot at the memory of her first encounter with Aiden. “I’ll think about it. Thank you for taking the job.”
Brian gave her a small bow, then straightened up and looked inside the room at the suitcase. “Need any help?”
“You can take it to the car, if you don’t mind,” Adrianna replied before Sienna could.
Brian nodded and went inside to get it. His arm touched Sienna’s when he passed her by the door and a jolt of electricity ran down her spine, but he didn’t seem to notice. He picked up the suitcase as if it weighed nothing, and Sienna was careful to give him plenty of space, then closed the door behind him.
“How come I haven’t seen him before?” Sienna asked, unable to comprehend how a commander of her armed escort could go unnoticed, especially with a body as ripped as his and the hazel eyes that could hypnotize the strongest of wills.
“He’s very good at keeping in the shadows, which is why Mr. Carrington picked him. I think he learned it in China or something,” Adrianna mused. “He’s hot, isn’t he?”
Sienna looked at her friend with a raised brow.
“What? Don’t deny it. I know you noticed it and that’s perfectly normal,” Adrianna said, then moved closer and continued in a whisper, “I heard a lot of things about him, but I never had a chance to see for myself. I’d be forever grateful if you’d be able to explain some of the myths that surround him.”
“I’m just saying…” she said with a shrug. “The guy’s a legend. I bet he has more stamina than a horse.”
“Enough!” Sienna cried, and covered her ears like a kid.
Adrianna laughed. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry.”
“We better go, or I’ll be late,” Sienna said and went to the door.
“Your brother’s pretty cute too,” Adrianna commented, following her.
“He’s too young for you.”
“Not true. He’s above legal age and if he is inexperienced, I’m more than qualifiedtogiving him lessons on how to satisfy a woman.”