Page 60 of Next in Line
“Have what?” her mother kept prodding.
“A happy ending!” Sienna said louder than necessary.
“Why not? What kind of person do you think you are?” her mother asked with a calm but insistent tone.
Sienna shrugged. “Not a good one that’s for sure. I feel like all I do is hurt people and everyone who gets close to me gets hurt.”
“It’s a pattern that you got stuck in since you were a baby,” Lisa observed. “You can change that. We’ll do it together.”
Sienna looked her in the eyes, hers filled up with months of unshed pain. “How?”
Her mother stepped closer and took her hands. “After you were taken, your father never stopped looking for you. He never gave up. When we heard that you were found, we dropped everything to come and get you. We’ll never let you go again. We’re a family and families help each other. As long as we’re together, everything will be okay. I promise.”
Unable to hold back any longer, Sienna threw her arms around her mother. If she’d ever had to describe how that hug felt it would be like every good thing that ever happened to her, all the feelings that she felt during those good things and how comfortable she was. That was what her first motherly hug was like.
Sienna’s phone buzzed in her pocket, ending the moment. She pulled back, giving her mother a small smile and barely resisted giving her another hug when she saw the happiness in her eyes.
Checking her phone, she saw Adrianna had sent her a message.
Meet me in the library.
“I have to go,” Sienna told her mother, giving her an apologetic look.
“Don’t worry, we’ll have more time,” she promised and tentatively caressed her daughter’s cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”
Sienna’s lips curled up into a smile as she reached up and kissed her mother’s hand.
“I’ll see you soon,” she told her, then made her way to the library, wondering why Adrianna wanted to meet there.
She didn’t bother to knock when she entered the library, but she did stop at the entrance when she saw Adrianna and Angel sitting at the table. They both looked up at the interruption, but her little brother was the only one who didn’t seem to expect her. He glanced at Adrianna with a look of betrayal in his eyes, then back to Sienna, his face turning into a sneer.
“What is she doing here?” he hissed through gritted teeth.
Sienna resisted the urge to roll her eyes, reminding herself to try to be nice to him. Adrianna took the initiative and waved her over.
“I think it’s a good idea that you two get to know each other a bit before you decide to hate each other,” Adrianna said, giving Angel a pointed look.
His face expression didn’t change, but he also didn’t object when Sienna sat next to them. Adrianna’s presence was worth more than a million dollars could buy. Sienna didn’t know how to talk to Angel or what to talk to him about, but luckily, Adrianna took care of the talking points.
“Angel is going to study law,” Adrianna told Sienna, earning herself a stink eye from Angel, but wasn’t bothered by it. “He wants to take over his father’s business.”
“That was the plan until you came along,” he spat with as much venom as he could muster.
“It can still be the plan,” Sienna told him, forcing herself not to rise to his provocations. “I won’t take anything that I didn’t earn myself.”
“Yeah, right. Like you will deny everything that the Lockwood name offers,” he said with a snort.
“You’re right, I won’t deny certain aspects of it.”
His eyes narrowed. “I knew it.”
“But it’s not the money that I want,” she assured him.
He leaned back into the chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “Then what?”
Sienna rested her elbows on her knees, putting her weight on them as she leaned closer to him. “I want my family.”
“What else?” he insisted. “That can’t be it.”