Page 63 of Next in Line
Adriannawasthequeenof fashion, secretly working on the most perfect dress for tonight’s occasion. She brought it to Sienna as soon as she was updated on all the latest Carrington gossip, forcing Sienna to give her a lot of details against her will.
After Aurora’s visit, Sienna was determined to use every weapon in her arsenal and as it was, her body was the deadliest of them all. Thanks to Adrianna’s skill, she was the best sharpened sword, capable of disarming a man to his most vulnerable naked state by just presenting herself in front of him. Jensen wore armor of steel that would make it harder to pierce through, but a few well-aimed blows and he’d be eating from Sienna’s palm. It was time to bring him down. He was the last Carrington heir that she didn’t mark yet.
Sienna was seduction incarnate, bringing forth the most hidden carnal feelings and desires. The strapless neckline allowed her to show off more skin than necessary in a barely classy and seductive manner that made her irresistible. The dress fitted her to perfection, defining her waistline with flares. Her curves were on full display, while at the same time she managed to keep the au natural girlish vibe. Her sky-high heels allowed her to move with graceful feline femininity that would help her allure Jensen, making it impossible for him to ignore her. The uber-short hemline let her show off her lovely long legs that were shaved and smooth.
Adrianna picked a series of underwear options for her to try, but Sienna rejected them all. She wasn’t into an illusion of nakedness when she could skip all that and have her gems shining bright like a diamond. Showing bare skin always worked, and judging by their past encounters, Jensen wasn’t immune to her charms. She would tease his visual appetite, bringing him on the verge of starvation that only her body could satisfy.
Brian escorted her to the roof, giving her a chance to test her look. The way his eyes widened when he saw her confirmed her suspicion. When his mouth opened and closed, bringing him on the brink of drooling, she almost laughed. She could have any man on his knees right now, but she didn’t want just anyone. Her eyes were set on Jensen and as her treacherous mind called forward the memory of his eight pack, her stomach fluttered, but it was the recollection of his erected cock floating underwater that made her pussy tingle in anticipation.
“Wait here. I don’t want to be interrupted. By anyone,” Sienna ordered Brian with a tone that made it clear she wasn’t playing games.
She followed Jensen’s voice, turning the corner until she saw him. His lips parted when he saw her, but it was the look in his eyes that told her how affected he was. His eyes travelled up and down her body, taking it all in with a look of admiration so hooded and simmering that her knees went a little weak. Even from afar, she could see his eyes turning heavy-lidded as he licked his lips, appreciating the way her clothes clung to her shape and how little skin they covered.
Still gazing at her, Jensen cleared his throat unsteadily, and Sienna felt a surge of pleasure at having rattled his usual never wavering composure.
Sienna wasn’t blind either. Jensen looked handsome in his perfectly tailored suit, but the way he shifted on his feet, adjusting his undoubtedly awakened member in his pants, made her burn with desire for him. She was hot, but he was hotter.
Slowly, she walked to him, keeping the ghost of a smile on her lips, nibbling suggestively on her lower one. His breathing turned faster as he stared at it, at her.
The roof was empty with no sign of her and Jaxon ever dining there. There was a small blanket on the old bench facing the view. Jensen must’ve brought it to either sit on, shield themselves from cold, or to fuck on. Sienna leaned toward the latter and the way he put his hand on the small of her back, applying slight pressure to move her toward it, then reached out with his other to gently stroke her forearm, made it clear to her that he wasn’t that cold. His body was burning hot just as hers was.
She turned her head toward him, glancing up as if really noticing him for the first time. Their eyes met, his dark blue and hers green. When they sat, Jensen smiled and leaned back into the bench, taking a long thoughtful look at her. Sienna’s eyes lost in his dark blue ones, she leaned forward, but he stopped her, gently pressing two fingers on her lips.
Sienna pulled back, ignoring the stabbing slice of hurt at his rejection. Jensen cleared his throat again, tearing his eyes away from hers, forcing herself to look at the view in front of them instead.
“I want to talk,” he said, his voice hoarse with emotion.
Sienna fought back a groan, wishing for once that he’d be a man and act on his feelings and desires. The night wasn’t lost yet and if she’d scratch his itch to talk, maybe he’d be more open to satisfy a need of her own.
“What about?” she asked, not unkindly.
Jensen rubbed his hands against the fabric of his pants, moving them in a way that gave her a direct view of the growing bulge caught behind the many layers. With a small smile, she sent his cock a silent promise to liberate it soon.
“I think I need to explain to you about what happened in Cambridge and what Riley told you.”
Sienna’s eyes jerked from his cock to his face, momentarily forgetting what she wanted as he had her full attention. She suspected that it was his first time telling the story out loud to someone and she was determined to help him carry the weight of consequences that his actions brought.
“A long time ago, I used to be like my brothers. I was the wildest guy you’d ever meet, carefree and fun. I had sex with more women than I can count. Probably even more than Jaxon, and he’s the one who prides himself with going around. Popular, rich, and handsome. I was a catch, and I knew it. Somehow, despite me telling everyone that it was impossible, I fell in love. Her name was Haley Doyle.”
Sienna had trouble imagining Jensen that way. To her, he was Saint Jensen, the prick who always followed all the rules. Hearing him talk about his past made her stomach twist with jealousy for not meeting that guy. It sounded like he was a lot of fun.
“She was my opposite in every regard and the only one who knew how to challenge me. She was also popular, drop dead gorgeous, good hearted, hilarious, and loyal. At first, I wanted to get her to bed, convinced that it would help me get over her, but she wouldn’t have it. She made me court her, take her out on proper dates, and agree to exclusivity. It was almost a year before we had sex, and she even forced me to take a test to make sure I didn’t have any sexual diseases. Everyone wanted to be with her, but she was mine. I knew she was a virgin, which made me even more determined that I’d be the one to have her.”
Sienna ignored the stab of pain that sliced across her heart when she listened to him talk about Haley. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think he was still in love with her. Maybe he was and would never get over her. That’d be a shame.
“Back then, I was an even bigger dick than I am now,” he said with a chuckle. “I honestly have no idea what she saw in me, but being around her, being with her was the best I’ve felt in my whole life. We were together for almost three years, and I was convinced I would marry her. She was the one for me. My everything.”
Sienna’s eyes widened at his silent confession. It was a big deal for a Carrington to marry, and even bigger if he had decided to do it at such a young age. She must’ve been a force to be reckoned with, someone truly incredible that he was so sure about spending the rest of his life with her.
“The night that I ruined her life, we went to a pool party. The guy was an old friend of mine, and he had one party or another more or less every week. We stayed there for hours, drinking, dancing, and even taking drugs. It was a fucking chaos. Even though I was completely messed up and wasted, I still insisted to drive. Haley wasn’t too keen on it, but it wouldn’t be the first time.”
Jensen paused, taking a few deep breaths to collect himself. Sienna knew what came next but waited for him to tell her anyway. She suspected that it was his first time telling the story out loud to someone and she was determined to help him carry the weight of consequences that his actions brought.
“Music on full volume, my foot on the pedal, I was driving like a madman. Haley begged me to slow down, pleaded with me to stop, but I was too high on everything. I enjoyed the speed, the thrill, and the dangers. When you’re young and stupid, you think yourself invincible. If I could, I would gladly change places with her. I’d do it in a heartbeat. She didn’t deserve to be punished for my mistakes.”
Jensen’s voice was raw, the emotion tangible in the air. She never saw him so open and vulnerable. He was laying himself bare in front of her, erasing the boundaries that the secrets helped built. His eyes were glazed over, lost in the memory that he was giving voice to for her to see.