Page 24 of Perfect Fit
“But Simon? It’s true and real. A love born of shared lives and children and appreciation for what a good, solid man he is. I love the life we’ve shared.”
Cara smiled. The Marsdens had always been an example to look up to, a couple to be envious of and to emulate. “So no regrets?” Cara asked.
“No regrets,” Ella answered immediately. “But lately, I’ve had cause to wonder...” She trailed off with a shake of her head. “Never mind.”
“No, it’s okay. You can tell me,” Cara assured her. Ella had been so sweet about Cara’s own parents, so understanding, Cara wanted to return the favor by letting the other woman unburden herself.
Ella turned her wide eyes on Cara. “I’ve been corresponding with Mike’s real father,” she whispered.
“What?!” Cara knew that as far as Mike was concerned, nobody had heard from his father since he abandoned a pregnant Ella.
“A few weeks ago, he found me on Facebook. He friended me out of the blue. I accepted before I could think about it, and apparently, that’s what he wanted. Once I accepted, he was able to see the family pictures I posted. It let him know how we all were, that Mike had grown up to look just like him.” Her voice was so low that Cara could barely hear.
“And you haven’t told Simon,” Cara stated the obvious.
Ella shook her head. “He was midtreatment, and even if he hadn’t been...” Her entire body trembled. “He’d be so angry. To show up after all these years and ask questions aboutSimon’sfamily. I don’t even know if I’d have told him if he were healthy, but luckily I didn’t have to make that choice.”
“Yet.” Again, Cara opted for the obvious.
An unexpected smile lifted Ella’s lips. “Nothing gets by you.”
“Occupational hazard.” Cara grinned.
“Well, I don’t have to decide whether to tell Simon now.”
“What about Mike?” The words came out of Cara’s mouth before she’d even had the thought in her head. If Mike knew his mother was in contact with his errant father... she shuddered at the notion.
She shook her head.
“He needs to know!” Cara said, certain Mike would be furious if kept in the dark.
“He can’t! Mike struggles so much about his father, and he’d be so angry with me for even answering him.” Ella reached for and grabbed Cara’s hand. “Please, promise me. I know it’s a huge burden to put on you, and I hadn’t thought it through. I just needed someone to confide in, and you offered...” Eyes wide, voice trembling, she squeezed Cara’s hand tighter. “Please.”
“Okay,” Cara said, not wanting her any more upset.
“Or Sam. Or Erin.”
Cara closed her eyes. “No one,” she promised, sensing she’d live to regret it.
Ella released her grip and relaxed back into her chair. “Thank you.”
Cara met her gaze and nodded.
“I’m sorry. It started as me wanting to assure you that you aren’t alone in being conflicted and ended with you as the keeper of my secret.”
“It’s okay.” Cara managed a smile.
Ella rose and pulled her into a grateful hug before stepping back.
“Just a word of warning, though?” Cara felt compelled to add. “Secrets tend to come out.”
Ella nodded. “I know. I just need Simon to be healthy before I bring this out in the open. The subject of Rex is complicated for everyone.”
Cara studied Mike’s mother, the flush in her cheeks, and wondered just what it was she and Rex Bransom talked about in their private e-mails. And whether those conflicted feelings Ella mentioned extended into the present.
“Mom!? I’m here, and Mike’s right behind me!” Sam’s voice shook Cara out of her musings.
A door slammed shut behind him.