Page 13 of Pleasured
“Of course,” I say immediately.
“There you have it. I will ask her when she is free,”
“Great, what does she do?” Shannon asks.
“She’s an Epidemiologist.”
“Oouu, not only can she cook, but she is brilliant too,” Echo says excitedly, causing us all to laugh until my alert goes off that someone is coming up the elevator. I stand immediately on alert because I am not expecting anyone.
“Trinitee?” I question just in case she has someone else coming, but she shakes her head in the negative, as does everyone else. Striding out of the kitchen, I head to the foyer to see who came to my house unannounced. The doors open, and there is Legend.
“You forgot, didn’t you,” he says, walking in and noticing the look on my face.
“I did. Hungry?”
“I could eat.”
“Good come on in the kitchen and meet everyone.”
“Oh, if you have company, I can come another time.”
“Nonsense,” I say, leading him to the kitchen, where I introduce him to everyone. Luckily Prince made more than enough food. Legend and Echo got along instantly, talking and laughing like they had known each other all their lives. But he and Shannon were instant enemies, it seemed they could barely refrain from spewing venom at each other. Even juggling entertaining Echo and trading barbs with Shannon, he would keep an eye on Trinitee. When he left, he hugged Echo, picking her up off the ground and sending her into a fit of laughter, shook Trinitee’s hand, and said bye to Shannon, pissing her off to the point she was cussing him out as the elevator doors closed. I think he said something like, “I wish I could say it was nice meeting you, Satan’s secretary.” The fact that we all were choking back laughter did not help the situation. I pull him in for a hug goodbye, and he whispers, “I like her. Figure it out.” All in all, it was a great afternoon.
It has been a few days since then, and I am getting kicked out of my house today. “I need you out of here for at least four hours.”
“Fine,” I say, telling her and Echo bye and heading to the house to check on my parents. My father is doing much better and gaining his mobility back slowly but surely. So, I am not surprised to see him standing and walking with the help of a walker and leg braces. I observed his physical therapy session, feeling for the first time that I made the right decision to move back home. My dad is doing so much better, I am building a relationship with my brother, and now that my penthouse is done, I can claim the woman who has plagued not just my waking hours but also haunted me in my dreams. The alarm on my watch goes off, letting me know it is time to head home.
The ride up on the elevator seems to take forever, but the doors finally open, and I am speechless. The amount of work she has accomplished in such a few short hours is amazing. I have only had access to the main room per her edict, and she has done no work on the rooms that I do have access to, so today, I am seeing it all together for the first time, and it is amazing. The foyer is welcoming, masculine, and functional, just as we discussed.
“Welcome home, Kruze,” Trinitee says, and I want to see that sight every day when I come home.
“Thank you, Trinitee.”
“Let me show you around,” she says, taking my hand and pulling me further into space. I don’t think she even realizes she did it. I flex my hand, gripping hers tighter, and allow her to lead me through my new home. Every room is better than the one before and exceeds my expectations until the tour ends in front of the off-limit bedroom.
“Is there a reason we are in front of this door?”
“I showed you mine. Now show me yours,” she says, and I wonder when did she become this bold with me. I quirk my brow and pull on the hand I am still holding and head back to my office.
“What are we doing in here, Kruze?”
I release her hand, pull out my phone and tap a few keys on it. I hear her phone give her a notification alert and watch as she pulls her phone out to look at her screen.
“Kruze? This is almost double what we discussed for all three properties, and I am not done with the third one yet,” she says, confused.
“You’re fired,” I say without preamble.
“Wait, what!?”
“You heard me, fired. Now go back to the bedroom door and wait for me there,” I command. I will hire someone else to finish my parent’s home, if necessary, but I need her, and I need her now. She doesn’t say another word, just walks out of my office and, I assume, heads toward the one room in the house she hasn’t touched or seen. I stay back to try to gain some control, I do not want to hurt or scare her, and I need to be in my right mind to go over some things before I claim her. But one way or another, I will be claiming her. The only way that that will not happen is if she tells me no.
When I turn the corner to the hallway that leads to the bedroom, I see her, and I almost forget all decorum and fuck her before having a necessary conversation. But seeing her there outside of the door on her knees, hands on her lap, and her head bowed has me ready to do unspeakable things to her.
“When did you figure it out?” I ask, standing before her.