Page 2 of Pleasured
“Mr. Morehouse?”
“Please come in.”
I take a quick look from his obviously pedicured feet to his dress pants and polo shirt, all black, as I step inside his home.
“This is stunning,” I say, already formulating plans in my head.
“Thank you, and I agree. However, it is not quite my style. Also, there are some modifications that needs to be made for my father while he is living here.”
“Is it okay to place my bag here?” I ask, referring to the long entry table.
“Of course. Let me take you on the tour, and then you can feel free to explore, take your measurements and brainstorm on your own while I get lunch set up for us,” he says as he takes my elbow in his hand and gently begins steering me through the house. At the end of the tour, I feel like I have been walking for hours, the house is more than twelve thousand square feet, and I felt every inch of it. With four living rooms, two kitchens, five bathrooms, three eating areas, a movie room, a game room, an exercise room, two offices, and a partridge in a pear tree.
“Well, we are back to where we started,” he pauses, looking down at my high heels with a frown. “I have guest slippers if you would like to change out of your shoes,” he offers. My pinky toe throbs as if answering his question for me, so I throw pride out of the window.
“I would love to,” and without thought, and before I can breathe, he is on his knee in front of me, grabbing my calf to lift my foot to remove my shoe. I can’t think, act or breathe at this point as I watch this man sensually remove my shoe and place a slipper on it before placing it on the floor and repeating the gesture with my other foot.First of all, where the hell did he get that slipper from, and why is he looking at me like that?He pulls my other shoe off,andwait, is he caressing my calf? No girl, you’re just horny, in need, and hallucinating,I think to myself as I watch him, watch me, watch him change my shoes. He hasn’t taken his eye off of me yet.Dear god!I have never in my life dated a white man, and I have also never been this turned on by such a simple gesture. Then again, this ain’t a simple gesture.Okay, girl, we are pulling out the big guns when we get home tonight so I can take the edge off.Slowly he stands to his feet, and I can literally feel his eyes travel my body every step of the way.
“How does that feel? Better?” he asks, and I swear his voice must have deepened several octaves.
Hell no! I mean, my feet feel better but fuck my feet!I think to myself, but what good is that if the throbbing moved from my pinky toe to between my legs?
“Much,” I say in a voice much steadier than I actually feel.
“Wonderful,” he says and smiles, and I lose the battle. He can get it anywhere at this point, I am ready to bust it open right here in this foyer, but I pull myself together and refrain from acting on this desire rising inside me. “ Feel free to meet me when you are done exploring. I will be in the main kitchen, fixing lunch.”
“Okay,” I reply and walk off to explore, make notes, and get some measurements. I am so engrossed with what I am doing that I have lost track of time. I have come out of the slippers since I was standing on the beds and other furniture. It’s just my luck, that I hear his voice from the doorway when I am face down and ass up on all fours taking measurements of the beds’ platform. “You have been at it for hours. Come eat.”
“Um, yeah, sure, as soon as I finish grabbing this last measurement,” I say, the embarrassment already pushed aside in favor of doing my job. And the next thing I know, he is on the floor next to me, grabbing the end of my tape measure and holding it in place so I can get the last numbers I need for the room.What is up with this man?
“Did you get everything you need in here?”
“Yes,” I say, busy tapping on my screen with the pen, already tuning him out, that is, until the pen is unceremoniously plucked out of my hand.
“Excuse you, why would you do that?” I say before I can think better of it.
“Because you need to take a break and eat. You have been here since this morning.”
I look at my smart watch only to realize he is right. It has been several hours since I first got here. As soon as my brain realizes this, my stomach wakes up with a huge growl that fills the space between my client and me.Traitor. I think as he chuckles, setting my teeth on edge.
“I think your stomach likes the idea of getting something to eat, and then we can talk about what you’ve come up with, and you can ask me anything you need.”
“I guess between you and my stomach, I don’t have much of a choice,” I concede, taking his hand as he helps me off the floor.
“Good,” he says as he guides me out of the room and into the kitchen, where a veritable spread is laid out on the kitchen island. He pulls out a chair for me, “Would like water, lemonade, sweet tea, or perhaps a glass of wine?”
“I don’t drink while I am working; water will be fine. Thank you. Also, I need to go wash my hands before I sit down,” I say to him before I take the seat proffered to me.
“Of course, me too. There is a powder room right around the corner,” he says as he goes over to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. I make my way to the powder room grateful to hide for a few seconds so I can get my bearings. This man throws me off my balance. My desire and work ethic are battling for dominance, and I am in the middle of getting beat up.
She is magnificent. From the moment I opened the door to see her standing there, I have barely taken my eyes off her. My palms were itching to touch her in some fashion but taking her by the elbow wasn’t enough, so imagine how happy I was when she stated she’d like to wear the slippers I had on hand. Her calves were all I touched, and I was so hard it hurt, but that wasn’t all. It was how she kept her eyes on me, never looking anywhere else until I gave her silent permission to.